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English-German translation for: Zero
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Dictionary English German: Zero

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NOUN   a zero | zeroes/zeros
VERB  to zero | zeroed | zeroed ... 
SYNO   to zero | to zero in | zero ... 
to zero
Null {f}
math. zero
Nullstelle {f}
Nullpunkt {m}
zero [coll.]Nulpe {f} [ugs.]
aviat. hist. mil. Zero [Mitsubishi A6M Zero]Mitsubishi A6M (Zero) {f}
2 Words: Others
above zero {adv}über null
above zero {adv}über Null [alt]
at zero {adv}auf null
at zero {adv}auf Null [alt]
at zeroum 0 Grad
below zero {adv}unter null
below zero {adv}unter Null [alt]
non-zeronicht null
non-zeronicht Null [alt]
sub-zero {adj}unter dem Gefrierpunkt [nachgestellt]
meteo. sub-zero {adj}unter null (Grad) [nachgestellt]
sub-zero {adj} [attr.] [esp. Br.]unter Null [nachgestellt]
visibility zeroSichtbarkeit gleich Null
math. stat. zero mean {adj}mittelwertfrei [stochastisches Signal]
zero-defect {adj}einwandfrei
zero-defect {adj}fehlerfrei
zero-defect {adj}mängelfrei
zero-defect {adj}mangelfrei
math. zero-dimensional {adj} <0D>nulldimensional <0D>
automot. ecol. zero-emission {adj} [attr.]abgasfrei
automot. ecol. zero-emission {adj} [attr.]schadstofffrei
zero-fold {adj}nullfach
zero-g {adj} [coll.]schwerelos
tech. zero-loss {adj}verlustlos
ling. zero-marked {adj}nullmarkiert
math. stat. zero-mean {adj}mittelwertfrei [stochastisches Signal]
econ. zero-priced {adj}kostenlos
zero-rated {adj}steuerfrei
comp. zero-terminated {adj} {past-p}null-terminiert
zero-tolerance {adj}kompromisslos
2 Words: Verbs
to zero ingleich Null setzen
to zero-base sth.etw. von Grund auf bearbeiten
comp. to zero-fill sth.etw. ausnullen
2 Words: Nouns
phys. absolute zeroabsoluter Nullpunkt {m}
math. aleph zeroAlef-Null {f}
ceiling zeroObergrenze {f}
cipher zeroZahl {f} Null
derive zeroKonuseffekt {m}
disturbed zerogestörte Null {f}
fat zero [coll.]fettes Minuszeichen {n} [ugs.]
mil. ground zeroBodennullpunkt {m}
mil. ground zeroEinschlagsort {m}
mil. ground zeroNullpunkt {m} [Atomexplosion]
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A 2024-05-08: zero-timed = werksüberholt
Q 2024-05-08: Zero-timed hardware
A 2023-04-16: Definitely not American, I'm not sure what you googled to have zero Google hits.
A 2020-12-28: Zero-tolerance deletions might make sense
Q 2020-02-22: X might not be the ground zero for Y
Q 2019-11-02: Can you say to zero "o"?
A 2019-08-21: Bei der Coca-Cola Zero steht in Deutschland drauf:
Q 2019-08-21: Zero Added Sugar.
Q 2018-03-05: to conceive success as zero sum
A 2017-04-17: Surprise, surprise: zero point period three ... Cf. PDF LINK / MS B6 -14 f...
A 2016-06-14: Zero interest rates are a very bad idea.
Q 2016-02-24: Nucific Bio X4- Unwanted Effects & Zero Side effects
A 2015-07-18: Viellleicht hat es was mit "unspecified Pb-dominant or zero-valent-dominan...
A 2014-12-21: http://www.dict.cc/?s=ground+zero
A 2014-12-21: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/81805?redirectedFrom=ground+zero#eid2547675
Q 2014-12-21: ground zero bombs
A 2014-10-22: Zahlenstrahl = number ray (limited to the left at zero, unlimited to the r...
A 2014-09-24: Wenn schon: Es +hat+ sechs Grad minus. > It's six below (zero / freezing).
A 2014-06-30: for both Italian companies that are (to be) depreciated to zero / retired ...
A 2013-11-02: See what happens when you divide by zero

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