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English-German translation for: acoustic
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Dictionary English German: acoustic

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ADJ   acoustic | - | -
NOUN   acoustic | acoustics
SYNO   acoustic | acoustical
audio acoustic {adj}
audio phys. tech. acoustic {adj} [e.g. absorption, emission, flux, impedance, insulation]
Schall- [z. B. Absorption, Emission, Fluss, Impedanz, Dämmung]
anat. acoustic {adj} [e.g. duct or meatus, nerve]
Gehör- [z. B. Gang, Nerv]
audio constr. mus. acoustic {adj} [e.g. amplifier, ceiling, coupler, guitar, tile, sensor]Akustik- [z. B. Verstärker, Decke, Kuppler, Gitarre, Platte, Sensor]
anat. zool. acoustic {adj} [e.g. centre, nerve, range]Hör- [z. B. Zentrum, Nerv, Bereich]
audio acoustic
Akustik {f}
2 Words: Others
acoustic-mechanical {adj}akustisch-mechanisch
audio electr. electro-acoustic {adj} <ELA>elektroakustisch <ELA>
audio vibro-acoustic {adj}vibroakustisch
2 Words: Nouns
audio (acoustic) flux <q>Schallfluss {m} <q>
audio tech. acoustic absorptionSchallabsorption {f}
audio constr. acoustic absorptionSchallschluckung {f}
med. acoustic accidentakustischer Unfall {m}
audio med. acoustic agnosia [Aphasia auditoria / acustica]akustische Agnosie {f}
audio med. acoustic agnosia [Aphasia auditoria, Aphasia acustica]Seelentaubheit {f}
audio med. acoustic agnosia [Aphasia auditoria, Aphasia acustica]Worttaubheit {f} [Nichterkennen von gehörten Tönen oder Geräuschen]
tech. acoustic alarmakustische Alarmierung {f}
tech. acoustic alarmakustischer Alarm {m}
tech. acoustic alarm [type of sensor]Luftschallmelder {m}
mus. acoustic amp [coll.] [short for: acoustic amplifier] [esp. for acoustic guitars]Akustikverstärker {m} [bes. für Akustikgitarren]
audio acoustic amplificationakustische Verstärkung {f}
mus. acoustic amplifier [esp. in guitars]Akustikverstärker {m} [bes. bei Gitarren]
audio phys. acoustic analogyakustische Analogie {f}
mus. acoustic artHörkunst {f}
mus. acoustic artakustische Kunst {f}
audio acoustic axisakustische Achse {f}
acoustic barrierSchallabschirmung {f}
acoustic barrierSchallschutzwand {f}
audio acoustic beamSchallstrahlenbündel {n}
acoustic boardAkustikplatte {f}
market. acoustic brandingMarkenklang {m} [akustische Repräsentation von Marken]
constr. acoustic bridgeSchallbrücke {f}
electr. acoustic cameraakustische Kamera {f}
audio acoustic capacity <AC>akustische Kapazität {f} <AK>
constr. acoustic ceilingAkustikdecke {f}
constr. RealEst. acoustic ceilingSchallschluckdecke {f}
anat. acoustic center [Am.]Hörzentrum {n}
anat. acoustic centre [Br.]Hörzentrum {n}
audio acoustic channelakustische Leitung {f} [Kanal als akustische Leitung]
acoustic codeakustisches Zeichen {n}
mus. acoustic color [Am.]Klangfarbe {f}
mus. acoustic color [Am.]Timbre {n}
mus. acoustic colour [Br.]Klangfarbe {f}
mus. acoustic colour [Br.]Timbre {n}
audio acoustic conditionsakustische Bedingungen {pl}
audio acoustic conditionsakustische Gegebenheiten {pl}
acoustic couplerAkustikkoppler {m}
audio acoustic couplerakustischer Koppler {m}
audio acoustic couplerakustischer Kuppler {m}
audio electr. acoustic couplingakustische Kopplung {f}
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Q 2017-12-21: gauge for transmitting acoustic signals through a pipe to a receiver
A 2013-03-28: acoustic interiors
A 2012-08-30: left out guitar as in acoustic guitar
Q 2012-08-30: use an acoustic through the microphone
A 2012-01-11: acoustic representations?
Q 2011-11-10: pite / pyte / ??? (acoustic problem)
A 2010-01-21: Acoustic design is a part of acoustic engineering, I should think
A 2009-07-22: We interpret the acoustic data to compile a suitable solution for every project.
A 2009-05-15: acoustic impressions (?)
A 2009-01-21: "acoustic" ist ein physikalischer Begriff, " den Schall betreffend" z.B al...
A 2009-01-21: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "acoustic" und "audible" (in diesem Zusam...
A 2008-03-22: noisy types of +aircraft+ / ? very frequent occurrence of individual acous...
A 2008-02-04: CD 1 offers / is offering an acoustic adventure tour across the latest ori...
A 2007-08-14: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22very+chopped+up%22+ac...
A 2007-08-03: acoustic signals
A 2007-02-28: the body of an acoustic guitar
A 2006-06-21: ...after the acoustic signal stops
A 2005-08-29: Also: acoustic / acoustical shorcomings / shortfalls
A 2004-07-07: acoustic shock
A 2004-04-02: Spatial resolution in connection with acoustic has 18,000 googles

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