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English-German translation for: adverbial participle
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Dictionary English German: adverbial participle

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

ling. adverbial participleAdverbialpartizip {n}
Partial Matches
ling. adverbial {adj}adverbial
ling. adverbial {adj}adverbiell [seltener für adverbial]
ling. participleMittelwort {n}
ling. participlePartizip {n}
ling. adverbial clauseAdverbialsatz {m}
ling. adverbial clauseUmstandssatz {m} [Adverbialsatz]
ling. adverbial phraseAdverbial {n}
ling. adverbial phraseAdverbialbestimmung {f}
ling. adverbial phraseAdverbiale {n}
ling. adverbial phraseUmstandsbestimmung {f}
ling. active participlePartizip {n} Aktiv
ling. dangling participlePartizip {n} mit falschem Bezug
ling. misrelated participlePartizip {n} mit falschem Bezug
ling. passive participlePartizip {n} Passiv
ling. past participleMittelwort {n} der Vergangenheit
ling. past participlePartizip {n} Perfekt <Partizip II>
ling. past participlePerfektpartizip {n}
ling. past participlezweites Partizip {n}
ling. perfect participlePartizipium {n} der Vergangenheit
ling. present participleMittelwort {n} der Gegenwart [Partizip I]
ling. present participlePartizipium {n} der Gegenwart
ling. adverbial phrases of manneradverbiale Gruppen {pl} der Art und Weise
ling. adverbial phrases of placeadverbiale Gruppen {pl} des Ortes
ling. adverbial phrases of timeadverbiale Gruppen {pl} der Zeit
ling. spec. pseudo-participle [ancient Egyptian]Pseudopartizip {n}
ling. adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]Adverbial {n}
ling. adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]Adverbialbestimmung {f}
ling. adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]Adverbiale {n}
ling. past participle <past-p, pp> [abbrev. used in dict.cc]Partizip II {n} <past-p, pp> [Abk. wie sie im dict.cc verwendet werden]
ling. present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc]Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet]
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