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English-German translation for: against
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Dictionary English German: against

Translation 1 - 50 of 1143  >>

English German
against {prep}
gegen [+Akk.]
against {prep}
entgegen [+Dat.]
against {prep}
wider [+Akk.]
against {prep}
zuwider [nachgestellt] [+Dat.]
against {prep} [in comparison to]im Vergleich mit [+Dat.]
against {prep} [in comparison to]im Vergleich zu [+Dat.]
2 Words: Others
advised against {adj}abgeraten
against acceptance {adv}gegen Akzeptierung
against acceptance {adv}gegen Annahme
econ. against actuals {adv}gegen wirkliche Einnahmen
against cash {adv}gegen bar
against cash {adv}gegen Bargeld
against cash {adv}gegen Barzahlung
against collateral {adv}gegen Sicherheit
against expectation {adv}unerwartet
against expectation {adv}wider Erwarten
against expectations {adv}wider Erwarten
against expectations {adv}gegen die Erwartungen
against fraud {adv}gegen Betrug
against it {adv}dawider [veraltet] [dagegen]
against nature {adv}gegen die Natur
against nature {adv}wider die Natur
against nature {adj} [postpos.]widernatürlich
against orders {adv}verbotenerweise
against orders {adj} {adv}vorschriftswidrig
against payment {adv}entgeltpflichtig
against payment {adv}gegen Zahlung
against persons {adv}gegen Personen
against receipt {adv}gegen Quittung
against sb.'s will {adv}gegen jds. Willen
against sb.'s will {adv}wider jds. Willen
against sb.'s wishes {adv}gegen jds. Willen
against sb.'s wishes {adv}gegen jds. Wunsch
against sb.'s wishes {adv}gegen jds. Wünsche
against this {adv}dagegen
against this {adv}hiergegen
against time {adv}gegen die Zeit
against what {adv}wogegen
as against {prep}im Gegensatz zu [+Dat.]
as against {prep} [as opposed to / as compared with]gegenüber [+Dat.] [im Vergleich]
as against sth. [compared to sth.]mit etw.Dat. verglichen
charmed against sth. {adj} {past-p}gegen etw.Akk. gefeit
compared against {prep}im Vergleich zu [+Dat.]
dead against {adv}genau gegen
dead against {adv}total dagegen [ugs.]
flush against {adv}direkt neben / an
helpless (against) {adj}machtlos (gegen)
measured against {adj} {past-p}gemessen an
nestling against sb./sth. {adj} {pres-p} [also: up to]sich an jdn./etw. schmiegend
fin. offset (against) {adj}verrechnet
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Q 2023-12-02: Was heisst "take a firm stand against a clear backdrop?" In diesem Kontext?
A 2023-11-29: she protested strongly against these suspicions
A 2023-11-11: Why slow him down? Simply vote against him, as you did. You ...
A 2023-04-13: Well, well --- +16:20 against cash crediting entry+ is nothing to do with ...
Q 2023-04-12: against cash crediting entry of ...
A 2022-10-31: payments count against redemption only if paid into the dedicated account
Q 2022-01-25: against a time when
A 2022-01-17: United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs ...
A 2021-05-20: high-priestly know-it-all , it's a slur against Annalena Baerbock indeed
A 2020-07-22: So sorry, but 2 Google hits as against 174 does not seem to be in the same...
Q 2020-04-08: I'm against the idea to tag some prepositions as [none].
Q 2020-02-18: they would hear nothing said against him
A 2019-10-15: English has sexual swear words as against scatological swear words in German.
Q 2019-06-11: AGAINST in Studienübersichten
A 2019-05-22: ... which he meant to be an anxious warning call against ...
A 2019-05-16: Variant: offset monthly rent against a prepaid sum of money
A 2019-05-16: +abwohnen+ in the sense of the 08:15 query: offset monthly rent against a ...
A 2019-04-24: Hilli if you want to go against the Duden again, as you seem to so consist...
A 2019-02-28: The arbitration award in its passage relevant by dint of being appealed ag...
A 2019-01-29: Sheep rubbing their coats against — of all things — sculptures

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