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Dictionary English German: alpha

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NOUN   an alpha | alphas
NOUN   das Alpha | die Alphas
SYNO   Alpha | α
educ. alpha [Br.]
Eins {f} [Schulnote]
educ. alpha [Br.]
Einser {m} [österr., sonst regional: Schulnote]
alpha <Α, α> [Greek letter]Alpha {n} <Α, α> [griechischer Buchstabe]
2 Words: Others
alpha-numeric {adj}alphanumerisch
2 Words: Nouns
chem. alpha acidAlphasäure {f}
alpha activityAlpha-Aktivität {f}
drugs psych. alpha alcoholicProblemtrinker {m}
drugs psych. alpha alcoholicAlpha-Alkoholiker {m}
med. alpha brainwave [also: alpha brain wave]Gehirnwelle {f} im Alpha-Bereich [Alpha-Welle, Alphawelle, Alpha-Gehirnwelle]
chem. alpha carbonAlpha-Kohlenstoff {m}
biol. alpha cellsAlphazellen {pl}
biol. alpha cells [also: alpha-cells] <α-cells> [endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans]A-Zellen {pl} [Zelltyp der Langerhans-Inseln]
chem. alpha cellulose [true cellulose]Alpha-Zellulose {f} [fachspr.: Alpha-Cellulose]
astron. Alpha Centauri Centauri, α Cen>Alpha Centauri {m} Centauri, α Cen>
comp. alpha channelAlphakanal {m} <α-Kanal>
comp. alpha compositing <α-compositing, AC>Alpha-Compositing {n}
comp. math. alpha conversion <α-conversion>Alpha-Konversion {f} <α-Konversion>
alpha dataAlphadaten {pl} [nur aus Buchstaben]
phys. alpha decay decay>Alphazerfall {m} <α-Zerfall>
ecol. alpha diversityAlpha-Diversität {f}
chem. alpha effect <α-effect>Alpha-Effekt {m} <α-Effekt>
anat. med. alpha efferents <α-efferents>Alpha-Efferenzen {pl} <α-Efferenzen>
alpha emissionAlpha-Emission {f}
phys. alpha emitterAlphastrahler {m}
comp. alpha equivalence <α-equivalence>Alpha-Äquivalenz {f} <α-Äquivalenz>
comp. alpha equivalence <α-equivalence>Alpha-Kongruenz {f} <α-Kongruenz>
stat. alpha error error> [type I error]Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art]
biol. zool. alpha femaleAlphaweibchen {n}
biol. alpha femaleAlpha-Weibchen {n}
math. alpha functionAlphafunktion {f} [auch: Alpha-Funktion]
comp. alpha geek [coll.]Alpha-Geek {m} [ugs.]
sociol. alpha girlsAlphamädchen {pl}
biochem. alpha helix <α-helix>Alpha-Helix {f} <α-Helix>
alpha inputAlphaeingabe {f}
biol. zool. alpha leaderAlphatier {n}
alpha leaderLeitwolf {m}
alpha malePlatzhirsch {m} [fig.]
biol. zool. alpha maleAlpha-Männchen {n}
zool. alpha male [also fig.: person]Alphamännchen {n} [auch fig. ugs., oft pej.: durchsetzungsfähiger, andere dominierender Mann]
alpha male [also fig.]Leitwolf {m} [auch fig.]
astron. Alpha Monocerotids <AMO>Alpha-Monocerotiden {pl} <AMO>
biol. alpha motoneuron <α-motor neuron>Alpha-Motoneuron {n} <α-Motoneuron>
astron. Alpha Orionis [Betelgeuse]Alpha Orionis {m} [Beteigeuze]
phys. alpha particle particle>Alphateilchen {n} <α-Teilchen>
phys. alpha particle particle>Alpha-Teilchen {n} <α-Teilchen>
alpha plus [Br.]Eins plus {f} [hervorragend]
ling. alpha privativeAlpha privativum {n}
alpha processingAlphaverarbeitung {f}
alpha processingBuchstabenverarbeitung {f}
phys. alpha radiation radiation>Alphastrahlung {f} <α-Strahlung>
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A 2020-02-05: Der Alpha-Dirigent?
A 2019-03-13: Leithammel (negativ) Alpha-Tier (positiv) See: #906104
A 2016-10-24: +der derzeit [Adverb] Bassist+ geht doch auf Deutsch genauso wenig, br-alp...
A 2015-06-29: Alpha ZXT
A 2013-09-25: @ br-alpha
A 2013-07-01: Alpha Centauri ..... ;-))
A 2012-08-17: Oh yes, he was. German TV is doing reruns on "Bayern alpha" all the time i...
A 2011-12-09: biologisch: You are the Alpha male / female
A 2011-11-14: http://www.britannica.com/bps/browse-alpha
A 2011-07-02: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22scale+quality%22++...
A 2010-11-18: Alpha Male
Q 2010-10-23: In deutschen Gewässern sind bislang erst Anlagen mit einer Leistung von 60...
Q 2010-06-08: State must be 2 alpha characters
A 2009-01-28: Had it been an Alpha Spider, perhaps they would have cancelled the debt :-)
A 2009-01-28: I love 'em, too, Alpha Spiders are my favourites.
A 2008-09-02: von Alpha bis Omega......jetzt hast du aber wirklich viele Auswahlmöglichk...
A 2008-02-08: http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/USS_Enterprise_(NCC-1701-D)_library_computer
A 2008-02-06: You also could put "experienced alpha-males" for it
A 2007-11-06: Kundenschlüssel is on the safe side, still, a Kundennummer may be alpha-nu...
A 2007-07-17: Oder auch: Sammelplatz in Alpha

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