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English-German translation for: amount
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Dictionary English German: amount

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NOUN   an amount | amounts
VERB  to amount | amounted | amounted ... 
SYNO   amount | measure | quantity | sum ... 
Betrag {m}
Menge {f} [Quantum]
Anteil {m}
Summe {f}
Endbetrag {m}
Maß {n}
Umfang {m}
fin. amount
Höhe {f}
fin. amount [revenue]
Aufkommen {n} [Einnahme]
2 Words: Others
amount received {past-p}Betrag erhalten
2 Words: Verbs
fin. to amount to sth.etw.Akk. betragen
to amount to sth.etw.Dat. gleichkommen
to amount to sth.auf etw.Akk. hinauslaufen
to amount to sth.sich auf etw.Akk. belaufen
to amount to sth.sich auf etw.Akk. beziffern
comm. math. to amount to sth. [e.g. 50 dollars]etw.Akk. ausmachen [betragen, sich belaufen auf]
to amount to sth. [mean, imply]etw. bedeuten
to amount to sth. [mean, imply]etw. besagen
to amount to sth. [sum]etw.Akk. ergeben [Summe]
2 Words: Nouns
accumulated amountEndwert {m}
accumulated amountaufgelaufener Betrag {m}
actual amountIstbestand {m}
actual amountIstbetrag {m}
actual amountausmachender Betrag {m}
actual amounttatsächlicher Betrag {m}
additional amountZusatzbetrag {m}
additional amountweiterer Betrag {m}
additional amountzusätzlicher Betrag {m}
adjusted amountVerrechnungswert {m}
aggregate amountGesamtbetrag {m}
aggregate amountGesamtsumme {f}
agr. econ. EU aid amountBeihilfebetrag {m}
allocated amountzugeteilter Betrag {m}
fin. amortization amountAbschreibungsbetrag {m}
amount adjustmentBetragsberichtigung {f}
amount advancedDarlehenshöhe {f}
amount allocationBetragszuordnung {f}
insur. amount assuredVersicherungssumme {f}
amount authorizationBetragsberechtigung {f}
amount availableverfügbarer Betrag {m}
amount borrowedDarlehenssumme {f}
amount borrowedentliehener Betrag {m}
amount calculationBetragsausrechnung {f}
amount cancelledStornobetrag {m}
amount claimedgeforderter Betrag {m}
amount collectedeingezogener Betrag {m}
amount columnBetragsspalte {f}
comm. amount committedgebundener Betrag {m}
chem. amount concentration <c, mol/L>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/L>
amount correctionBetragskorrektur {f}
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A 2020-06-08: (would amount to an) undue hardship
A 2019-09-21: ? amount ? quantity
A 2017-10-03: Do you mean an amount of lemons that would cost £/€60 000?
Q 2017-06-09: Do I have to write the Euro before or after the amount in UK EN?
A 2017-02-22: ? Überkipper ~ Übertrag > amount carried forward
A 2016-10-15: you only have a set amount of time
A 2016-09-21: Delighted to learn that a fair amount of Germans step into the shower each...
A 2016-08-14: (documentary) evidence of the amount of my income
A 2016-06-09: average harvest / average amount harvested
A 2016-03-15: claw-back amount
A 2016-03-06: Please declare the loan amount possibly including a loan to be redeemed
Q 2016-02-12: "to the amount of" - British English
Q 2015-11-02: The belief that one is capable of doing one's share, holding up one's end ...
Q 2015-10-31: The belief that one is capable of doing one's share, holding up one's end ...
Q 2015-10-29: Any additional payment amount will be applied to next year's fees or dues
A 2015-10-19: It is understood the double funding occurred when a vehicle was to be repl...
Q 2015-07-15: employer contracts stipulate X amount of medical insurance
A 2015-03-02: amount in controversy
Q 2014-11-21: "Amount of operating hours" or "number of operating hours"
A 2014-11-17: Account with a fixed amount exempt from garnishment.

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