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English-German translation for: at once
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Dictionary English German: at once

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
SYNO   at a time | at once | at one time
at once {adv}unmittelbar
at once {adv} [at the same time]gleichzeitig
at once {adv} [immediately, without delay]unverzüglich
at once {adv} [immediately; at the same time]auf einmal [plötzlich; zugleich]
at once {adv} [immediately]alsbald [veraltend] [sogleich]
at once {adv} [immediately]augenblicklich [unverzüglich, sofort]
at once {adv} [immediately]augenblicks [geh.]
at once {adv} [immediately]sofort
at once {adv} [immediately]sogleich
at once {adv} [immediately]stante pede [ugs.] [hum.] [sofort, auf der Stelle]
at once {adv} [immediately]auf der Stelle [sofort, unverzüglich]
at once {adv} [simultaneously, at the same time]zugleich [gleichzeitig, zur gleichen Zeit]
Keywords contained
all at once {adv}gleichzeitig [zugleich]
all at once {adv}sofort
all at once {adv}zugleich
all at once {adv}auf einmal [ugs.] [plötzlich]
all at once {adv}auf einen Schlag [ugs.] [Redewendung]
all at once {adv}mit einem Male
all at once {adv} [all / everything at the same time]alles auf einmal
all at once {adv} [all together]alle auf einmal
all at once {adv} [idiom] [all of a sudden]mit einem Schlag / Schlage [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ganz plötzlich, auf einmal]
all at once {adv} [idiom] [suddenly](ganz) plötzlich
Come at once!Komm sofort!
to act at oncesofort handeln
Get ready at once!Mach dich sofort fertig!
Property passes at once.Das Eigentum geht sofort über.
to all speak at oncedurcheinander reden
to all talk at oncedurcheinander reden
at least once a year {adv}mindestens einmal jährlich
at least once a year {adv}wenigstens einmal im Jahr
idiom at once and on the spot {adv}sofort und auf der Stelle
Delivery must take place at once.Anlieferung muss sofort erfolgen.
Don't everybody speak up at once! [coll.] [sarcastic]Nicht alle auf einmal sprechen! [ugs.] [ironisch]
Don't spend it all at once. [coll.] [sarcastic with a small amount]Gib es aber nicht alles auf einmal aus. [ugs.] [ironisch bei einem kleinen Geldbetrag] [auch: Gib es nicht alles auf einmal aus. / Gib aber nicht alles auf einmal aus.]
I can't be in two places at once! [coll.] [fig.]Ich kann mich doch nicht zerreißen! [ugs.] [fig.]
I'll see to it at once.Ich werde mich sofort darum kümmern.
Kindly inform us at once!Teilen Sie uns das bitte sofort mit! [formelle Anrede]
sth. can be delivered at onceetw. kann sofort geliefert werden
This at once awakened suspicion.Dies weckte sofort Verdacht.
to accomplish two things at oncezwei Sachen zugleich erledigen
to be in two places at once [idiom]sichAkk. zersprageln [ostösterr.] [sich zerreißen]
idiom to juggle too many balls at onceauf zu vielen Hochzeiten gleichzeitig tanzen
to put the order in hand at onceden Auftrag sofort in Arbeit nehmen
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A 2017-11-25: Some people carry bicycle horns. Tooting them from behind makes the person...
A 2015-12-09: If you count black sheep you fall asleep at once — market or no market
A 2015-10-26: PS: By using three pairs of quotes, I can persuade Google to keep them up ...
A 2015-06-12: The content of both information pages will always be exported at once / si...
A 2015-04-19: Whatever were they doing hauling 460 hives all at once?
A 2015-02-28: But then it may be that once more some of the Finns had mistaken 'Aquavelv...
A 2014-02-05: That's really confusing and fascinating at once! Oo :-)
A 2013-11-15: At once the King of H had the seal ... examined
A 2013-05-29: As it is, the original idea at once comprises all the crucial elements, th...
A 2012-01-27: The impossible is done at once, miracles take a little longer!
A 2011-07-21: My mom is a real MOTHERAMA today !!!! like a bunch of moms all at once !!!!
A 2011-03-31: Some more quotes coming up to - wait for it - 2010. Even those who may not...
A 2010-12-14: At once is fine - it can mean either immediately or simultaneously.
Q 2010-11-21: stretching her time and tired body in all directions at once
A 2010-10-20: Oops - trying to do too many things at once ...
Q 2010-08-09: if it is done at once
A 2010-02-26: I did explain that once before, too:
A 2010-02-24: lol, I think I tried that once. It never flies.
A 2009-04-15: of course we took care of him at once
A 2009-03-04: I feel I should go out and get more Augustiner Edelstoff at once.

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