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English-German translation for: bolts
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Dictionary English German: bolts

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
NOUN   a bolt | bolts
VERB  to bolt | bolted | bolted
bolting | bolts
sb. bolts [door etc]
jd. verriegelt
Schrauben {pl}
tech. bolts
Bolzen {pl}
Riegel {pl}
2 Words
tech. retaining boltsHaltebolzen {pl}
tech. spacer boltsStehbolzen {pl}
3 Words
nuts-and-bolts {adj} [fig.]praxisbezogen
tech. nuts and boltsMuttern und Bolzen
nuts and bolts [coll.]praktische Grundlagen {pl}
nuts and bolts [fig.]Grundbestandteile {pl}
nuts and bolts {pl} [coll.]täglicher Kleinkram {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.]
4 Words
educ. film nuts-and-bolts filmsLehrfilme {pl} [Genre der "Wie wird's gemacht?" - / "How-To ..." - Filme]
5+ Words
Your wards are deftly wrought, but drive no bolts asunder! [trans. Bayard Taylor]Zwar euer Bart ist kraus, doch hebt ihr nicht die Riegel. [J. W. v. Goethe, Faust I]
tech. tools hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws [ISO 10664]Innensechsrund {m} für Schrauben [ISO 10664]
EU tech. hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws [ISO 10664]Innensechsrund {n} für Schrauben [ISO 10664]
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Q 2014-04-08: Technischer Text, Abgabe 13 Uhr, "RDD bolts and RDD nuts" unbekannt
A 2013-09-24: if (say) a lettuce runs to seed, it shoots up (it "bolts") , starts flower...
A 2011-04-29: Maybe add "the" in a few places. Also "cylinder head bolts"
Q 2011-04-29: Text über zerstörungsfreie Prüfung - "engine head bolts" unbekannt
A 2010-05-19: Agree, "thread pitch" is correct for fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts, etc.)
A 2010-03-31: Hmm, I don't think things like nuts and bolts should be entered under engi...
Q 2009-07-05: step bolts
A 2008-11-28: bolt-hole = hole in the ground into which an animal bolts when it senses danger.
Q 2008-10-31: Torque bolts to 15-20 ft-lbs.
A 2008-07-29: elf bolts > Elfenpfeile / Elfenkeile; flint heads > (ja) Pfeilköpfe; butte...
A 2008-06-18: Models differ in respect of connectors, threaded bolts, copper plates etc....
A 2008-06-18: ? Models differ as to transformer clamps, threaded bolts, copper plates et...
A 2008-04-09: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22safety-critical+bolts%22&btnG=Se...
Q 2008-04-09: sicherheitsrelevante schrauben (stahlbau) = safety-relevant bolts?
A 2008-03-12: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Nuts+and+Bolts+
Q 2008-03-12: Nuts and Bolts
A 2007-07-10: tightening of bolts
A 2007-03-14: set of bolts and nuts, stainless steel
A 2006-01-25: Then snug up the ball screw nut bolts and the roller block bolts
Q 2006-01-25: Then snug up the ball screw nut bolts and the roller block bolts.

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