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English-German translation for: bush
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Dictionary English German: bush

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ADJ1   bush | bushier | bushiest
ADJ2   bush | more bush | most bush
NOUN1   bush | -
NOUN2   a bush | bushes
tech. to bush
bot. bush
Busch {m}
bot. bush
Strauch {m}
bot. bush
Gebüsch {n}
tech. bush
Hülse {f}
tech. bush
Buchse {f}
Buschland {n}
bot. hort. bush
Staude {f} [Gebüsch]
oenol. bush [obs.] [a bunch of ivy hung as a vintner's sign in front of a tavern]Buschen {m} [österr.] [südd.]
2 Words: Others
ecol. for. geogr. bush-encroached {adj} {past-p} [land]verbuscht [Landschaft]
constr. tech. bush-hammered {adj} {past-p}scharriert
sports bush-league {adj} [Am.]unterklassig
bush-league {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [amateurish]dilettantisch
bush-league {adj} [coll.]zweitklassig
2 Words: Nouns
tech. ball bushKugelhülse {f}
tech. bearing bushLagerbuchse {f}
berry bushBeerenstrauch {m}
bot. bilberry bushHeidelbeerstrauch {m}
bot. blackberry bushBrombeerbusch {m}
bot. blackberry bushBrombeergestrüpp {n}
bot. blackberry bushBrombeerstrauch {m}
bot. blackcurrant bushschwarzer Johannisbeerstrauch {m}
bot. blueberry bushBlaubeerstrauch {m}
tech. boring bushBohrbuchse {f}
bot. bramble bushBrombeerstrauch {m}
bibl. burning bushbrennender Dornbusch {m}
pol. Bush administrationBush-Regierung {f}
mus. bush ballad [Aus.][australische Folk-Ballade]
mus. bush band [Aus.][australische Folkgruppe]
pol. Bush bashingBush-Bashing {n} [Abrechnung mit den Fehlern der Ära George W. Bush]
bush campBuschkamp {n}
tech. bush chainBuchsenkette {f}
ecol. for. geogr. bush encroachmentVerbuschung {f}
ecol. for. geogr. bush encroachmentVerstrauchung {f}
tech. bush extractorBuchsenzieher {m} [selten auch: Büchsenzieher]
bush fireBuschbrand {m}
bush fireBuschfeuer {n}
bush firingBrennen {n} im offenen Feuer
tech. bush fixingSteckbuchsenbefestigung {f}
aviat. bush flyingBuschfliegerei {f}
bot. gastr. bush fruitStrauchobst {n}
tools bush hammerScharrierhammer {m}
cloth. bush hatBuschhut {m}
weapons bush knifeBuschmesser {n}
bot. geol. bush layerStrauchschicht {f}
sports bush league [Am.]Provinzliga {f} [niedrigere Spielklasse]
agr. for. bush lot [Can.]Waldstück {n}
gastr. bush meatWildfleisch {n}
geogr. Bush MountainsBush Mountains {pl}
ethn. Bush PeopleBuschmenschen {pl}
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A 2017-01-03: orange eye butterflybush/butterfly bush/butterfly-bush [Buddleja davidii]
A 2015-03-08: "verholzter Bewuchs" covers all - bush and trees
A 2015-02-11: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?tab=ww&ei=WzvWVPC-M-n_7Ab1vICQAQ&ved=0CAYQ1...
A 2013-08-28: There is no bush and no beating about ;)
A 2011-12-07: Swags are the furniture of the bush...
A 2011-07-24: Emotional decision-making from the days of the elder George Bush.
A 2011-01-07: Well, at least Bush made a complete sentence.
A 2010-12-03: nqztv, you see 'George Bush, Jr.' quite often, but it's incorrect. I would...
A 2010-12-03: I'd change Dubya's name to "George Bush the Younger"
A 2010-12-01: Bush Regrets Saying "Bring 'em on"
A 2010-11-02: George Bush's Präsidentschaft hing an einem Stanzfitzelchen.
A 2010-07-22: Lass "Bush Lodge" als Eigennamen stehen
A 2010-01-28: As noted, I wonder what Clinton / Bush / Obama or Thatcher / Blair / Brown...
A 2009-06-28: hot bush - hot pants - hot zits - hot tits (cf. Frank Zappa)
A 2009-06-28: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22hot+bush%22+manifold&btnG=Suche&met...
A 2009-06-04: After Proteus' auch: "Mit dem richtigen Parteibuch", bei Heirat auch " In ...
Q 2009-04-18: Bush
A 2009-04-02: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22during+Bush%27s+presidency%22&ie=utf-8&oe...
A 2009-04-02: During Bush administration is fine.
Q 2009-03-18: sweetsuds bush

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