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English-German translation for: butter
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Dictionary English German: butter

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NOUN   butter | -
VERB  to butter | buttered | buttered ... 
NOUN   die Butter | - [Substanz]/die Buttern [Sorten]
to butter [buildup by welding]
aufpuffern [aufschweißen]
gastr. to buttermit Butter bestreichen
gastr. butter
Butter {f}
gastr. butterAnken {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
butter yellow {adj}buttergelb
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to butter breadBrot buttern
gastr. to butter breadBrot mit Butter bestreichen
to butter sb. up [coll.] [fig.]jdm. Honig ums Maul schmieren [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewendung]
to butter sb. up [coll.] [fig.]jdm. Honig um den Bart schmieren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to butter sb. up [coll.] [fig.]jdm. Honig um den Mund schmieren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to churn butterbuttern
gastr. to make butterausrühren [regional] [buttern, ausbuttern, Butter machen]
FoodInd. to make butterbuttern [Butter herstellen]
gastr. to melt (butter)(Butter) auslassen
gastr. to spread butterButter aufstreichen
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. almond butterMandelbutter {f}
gastr. almond butterMandelmus {n} [Mandelbutter]
gastr. anchovy butterSardellenbutter {f}
gastr. apple butterApfelkraut {n}
FoodInd. best butter [first grade of butter]Markenbutter {f}
gastr. black butter [beurre noir]schwarze Butter {f}
cosmet. body butterKörperbutter {f}
archaeo. bog butterMoorbutter {f}
gastr. brandy butterWeinbrandbutter {f}
gastr. brown butter [beurre noisette]Nussbutter {f}
gastr. browned buttergebräunte Butter {f}
gastr. butter biscuit [Br.]Butterkeks {m}
gastr. butter biscuits {pl} [Br.]Buttergebäck {n}
gastr. butter boardButterbrett {n}
gastr. butter cakeButterkuchen {m}
FoodInd. butter churnButterfass {n}
FoodInd. butter churnButterstampfer {m}
gastr. butter consumptionButterverbrauch {m}
gastr. butter cookie [Am.]Butterkeks {m} [österr., sonst seltener auch: {n}]
gastr. butter cookies [Am.]Butterkekse {pl}
gastr. butter cookies [Am.]Butterplätzchen {pl}
gastr. butter cookies {pl} [Am.]Buttergebäck {n}
FoodInd. gastr. butter coolerButterkühler {m}
gastr. butter crockButtertopf {m}
gastr. butter curlButterröllchen {n}
gastr. butter curlerButterroller {m}
gastr. tools butter cutterButterschneider {m}
comm. butter dealerButterhändler {m}
gastr. butter dishButterdose {f}
gastr. butter dishButterschale {f}
gastr. butter dishesButterdosen {pl}
gastr. butter dumplingButterkloß {m}
butter face [Am.] [sl.] [pej.][Frau mit einem schönen Körper, aber hässlichem Gesicht]
FoodInd. butter factoryButterfabrik {f}
gastr. butter hand [wooden spatula used when making butter]Butterspachtel {m} {f}
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Q 2016-06-20: butter cream
A 2015-12-28: Butter
A 2015-07-12: Butter auf dem Brot
Q 2015-07-11: jdm. nicht die Butter auf dem Brot gönnen
A 2015-02-28: "Butter oil" is basically ghee sold at outrageous prices.
Q 2015-02-28: butter oil
Q 2014-08-09: My favorites being cashew or macadamia butter vs are
A 2014-08-01: In Österreich haben wir "Butter rühren" oder auch "schlagen" gesagt.
A 2014-08-01: Butter stampfen not rühren
A 2014-03-27: In der Herkunftssprache ist +Butter+ sächlich
A 2013-07-23: everybody thought butter wouldn't melt in her mouth
A 2013-07-19: like butter?
A 2013-04-09: Butter
A 2013-04-08: Anchor butter: here's your story, Joanne
A 2013-04-08: And don't forget the urban legend that the special Anchor butter taste so ...
Q 2012-09-25: Guns And Butter
A 2012-08-04: 12 vineyard snakes in herb butter.
A 2012-08-02: Apfelkraut = apple butter
A 2012-07-01: Butter
Q 2012-03-12: Make half of a nut butter and jelly sandwich with bread, peanut or almond ...

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