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English-German translation for: cardiac
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Dictionary English German: cardiac

Translation 1 - 50 of 257  >>

English German
ADJ   cardiac | - | -
NOUN   a cardiac | cardiacs
anat. med. cardiac {adj}
med. cardiac {adj}
med. cardiac {adj}
med. cardiac {adj}
med. cardiac {adj}
Kardio- [auch: kardio-]
med. cardiac {adj}vom Herzen ausgehend
med. cardiac {adj} [relating to the heart]das Herz betreffend
pharm. cardiac [obs.]
Herzmittel {n}
med. cardiac [coll.] [person with heart disease]
Herzkranker {m}
2 Words: Nouns
med. (cardiac) infarctionHerzinfarkt {m}
med. cardiac actionHerztätigkeit {f}
med. cardiac activityHerzaktivität {f}
med. cardiac activityHerztätigkeit {f}
med. cardiac ageingHerzalterung {f}
med. pharm. cardiac agentHerzmittel {n}
med. pharm. cardiac agentKardiakum {n}
med. cardiac amyloidosis <CA>Herzamyloidose {f}
med. cardiac amyloidosis <CA>kardiale Amyloidose {f}
MedTech. cardiac anaesthesia [Br.]Kardioanästhesie {f}
anat. med. cardiac anatomyAnatomie {f} des Herzens
MedTech. cardiac anesthesia [Am.]Kardioanästhesie {f}
med. cardiac aneurysmHerzaneurysma {n}
MedTech. cardiac angiographyKardangiographie {f}
med. cardiac anomalyHerzanomalie {f}
med. cardiac anomalyHerzfehler {m}
anat. cardiac apex [Apex cordis]Herzspitze {f}
med. cardiac arrest <CA>Asystolie {f}
med. cardiac arrest <CA>Herzstillstand {m}
med. cardiac arrest <CA>Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand {m}
med. cardiac arrhythmiaHerzrhythmusstörung {f} <HRS, HRST>
med. cardiac arrhythmiasHerzrhythmusstörungen {pl}
MedTech. cardiac aspiratorCardiosauger {m}
med. cardiac assessmentHerzfunktionsprüfung {f}
med. cardiac asthma [Asthma cardiale]Herzasthma {n}
med. cardiac atrophyHerzatrophie {f}
anat. cardiac auriclesHerzohren {pl}
med. cardiac auscultationHerzauskultation {f}
med. cardiac autonomyHerzautomatie {f}
med. cardiac biopsyHerzbiopsie {f}
med. cardiac catherisation [Br.]Herzkatheteruntersuchung {f}
med. cardiac catherizationHerzkatheteruntersuchung {f}
med. cardiac catheterHerzkatheter {m}
med. cardiac catheterisation [Br.]Herzkatheterisierung {f}
med. cardiac catheterizationHerzkatheterisierung {f}
med. cardiac causekardiale Ursache {f}
med. cardiac center [Am.]Herzzentrum {n}
med. cardiac centre [Br.]Herzzentrum {n}
anat. cardiac chamber [Ventriculus cordis]Herzkammer {f}
anat. cardiac chambersHerzkammern {pl}
med. cardiac cirrhosis [Cirrhose cardiaque]Cirrhose cardiaque {f} [kardiale Leberzirrhose]
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A 2014-03-19: Herzecho = cardiac echo (?)
A 2011-08-07: Die von mir beigebrachten Verknüpfungen zeigen, dass +Herzstillstand+ und ...
A 2011-08-06: "Cardiac arrest" basically means that the heart no longer pumps blood.
Q 2011-08-06: ventricular fibrillation with cardiac arrest
Q 2010-04-27: Pulmonary / cardiac classes
A 2009-04-30: cardiac rehabilitation
A 2009-04-05: A cardiac specialist might "make my heart good", but it doesn't make sense here
Q 2008-06-27: cardiac analyte?
Q 2006-11-10: These two factors are the quality of outcomes and the technological status...
A 2006-11-04: cardiac work reduction of a good / a solid 7500 heartbeats / beats during ...
A 2005-12-31: Better late 'n never > and must be evaluated in terms of cardiac or cardio...

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