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English-German translation for: chain
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Dictionary English German: chain

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NOUN   a chain | chains
VERB  to chain | chained | chained ... 
SYNO   Chain | Ernst Boris Chain ... 
chain {adj}
to chain sth. [link up]
etw. verbinden [verknüpfen]
to chain sb.
jdn. anketten
to chain
to chain sth. [link up]
etw. verknüpfen
to chain sth. [interlink]
etw. verketten [verknüpfen]
to chain sb.
jdn. fesseln [mit Ketten]
Kette {f}
comm. chain
Handelskette {f}
Folge {f}
comm. chain
Einzelhandelskette {f}
chain [of commands]
Befehlskette {f}
chain [small, short or thin]
Kettchen {n}
2 Words: Others
spec. chain-like {adj}kettenartig
armour chain-mail {adj}panzermaschig
chain-shaped {adj}kettenförmig
textil. chain-stitched {adj} {past-p}umkettelt [eingekettelt]
chem. long-chain {adj}langkettig
chem. open-chain {adj}offenkettig
chem. short-chain {adj} [attr.]kurzkettig
biochem. chem. med. single-chain {adj} [attr.]einkettig
chem. straight-chain {adj}geradkettig
2 Words: Verbs
to chain sb. up [enchain]jdn. fesseln
to chain sth. to sth.etw. an etw. ketten
to chain togetherzusammenketten
to chain upanketten
to chain upan die Kette hängen
to chain up sth. [link]etw. verketten
to chain-saw sth.etw. kettensägen [selten]
to chain-smokeKette rauchen [ugs.]
to chain-smokeeine (Zigarette) nach der anderen rauchen
to jerk sb.'s chain [coll.] [idiom]jdn. aufziehen [ugs.] [ärgern, necken, (freundlich) verspotten]
to pull sb.'s chain [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]jdn. aufziehen [ugs.] [necken]
to pull sb.'s chain [coll.] [idiom]jdn. zum Besten haben / halten [Redewendung]
to yank sb.'s chain [coll.] [idiom]jdn. aufziehen [ugs.] [necken, reizen, ärgern]
to yank sb.'s chain [coll.] [idiom]jdn. zum Besten haben / halten [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
activity chainAktivitätskette {f}
chem. alkane chainAlkankette {f}
chem. alkyl chainAlkylkette {f}
electr. amplifier chainVerstärkerkette {f}
anal chainAnalkette {f}
naut. anchor chainAnkerkette {f}
naut. anchoring chainAnkerkette {f}
ankle chainFußkettchen {n}
ankle chainFußkette {f}
comm. apparel chainBekleidungskette {f}
comm. apparel chainTextilkette {f}
hist. Baltic ChainBaltische Kette {f} [selten für: Baltischer Weg]
bead chainPerlenkette {f}
biol. psych. behavior chainVerhaltenskette {f}
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Q 2023-11-08: run up the chain
A 2023-01-09: oder vielleicht: to demand their small suppliers' self-commitment to meet ...
A 2023-01-09: to demand cooperation from their subcontractors (in respect to the Supply ...
A 2021-12-02: Siehe Niveau 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [string level für 1), ... chain level)
A 2018-10-18: Cold chain: UK usage / US usage
A 2018-10-18: The WHO uses +cold chain+
A 2018-10-18: 'refrigeration chain' is another one
Q 2018-07-07: chain mail suit
Q 2017-04-29: dragging the chain
Q 2015-07-23: medium-chain triglycerides
A 2015-04-28: Hotels in a chain often look the same as each other, i.e. they are very generic.
A 2015-02-20: I would prefer a "dass" phrase to avoid the clashing "sich" chain
A 2014-12-09: export chain, is OK
Q 2014-11-24: upstream or downstream in different value chain stages
A 2014-10-24: Or just human chain if it's obvious that they are helping.
A 2014-10-24: chain of helpers
A 2014-09-27: Three men in chain mail fell backwards down the stairs and yelled (at us),
A 2014-07-01: Are you sure that it's not the pet food chain?
Q 2014-03-30: Text über Gerät zur Überwachung von Kettenverschleiß, Abgabe Mo. 31.03.201...
Q 2014-02-24: What would you call a chain of shops like HMV or Virgin (Megastores) in German?

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