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Dictionary English German: climate

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NOUN   a climate | climates
SYNO   climate | clime | mood
climate [also fig.]
Klima {n} [auch fig.]
climate [obs.] [region]
Himmelsstrich {m} [geh.] [Gegend]
2 Words: Others
ecol. econ. climate positive {adj}klimapositiv
ecol. climate-damaging {adj}klimaschädlich
meteo. climate-dependent {adj} [also: climate dependent]klimaabhängig
ecol. climate-friendly {adj}klimafreundlich
ecol. climate-friendly {adj}klimaschonend
geol. meteo. climate-historical {adj}klimageschichtlich
climate-induced {adj}klimabedingt
climate-influencing {adj} {pres-p}klimabeeinflussend
ecol. econ. climate-neutral {adj}klimaneutral
climate-related {adj}klimabezogen
ecol. meteo. climate-relevant {adj}klimarelevant
ecol. meteo. climate-resilient {adj}klimaresilient
biol. ecol. climate-resilient {adj}klimaresistent
biol. ecol. climate-resistant {adj}klimaresistent
ecol. climate-unfriendly {adj}klimafeindlich
ecol. climate-unfriendly {adj}klimaunfreundlich
2 Words: Nouns
agreeable climatezusagendes Klima {n}
alpine climateHochgebirgsklima {n}
meteo. alternating climateWechselklima {n}
arid climateTrockenklima {n}
Atlantic climateatlantisches Klima {n}
basic climate [also fig.]Grundklima {n} [auch fig.] [grundlegendes Klima]
meteo. benign climatemildes Klima {n}
meteo. bland climatemildes Klima {n}
med. meteo. bracing climateReizklima {n}
bracing climateerfrischendes Klima {n}
business climateGeschäftsklima {n}
business climateWirtschaftsklima {n}
clement climatemildes Klima {n}
ecol. pol. climate accordKlimaabkommen {n}
ecol. pol. climate action {sg}Klimamaßnahmen {pl}
ecol. pol. climate activistKlimaaktivist {m}
ecol. pol. climate activist [female]Klimaaktivistin {f}
meteo. climate adaptationKlimaanpassung {f}
ecol. pol. climate agreementKlimaabkommen {n}
ecol. climate alarmKlimaalarm {m}
ecol. climate alarmKlima-Alarm {m}
ecol. climate anomalyKlimaanomalie {f}
psych. climate anxietyKlimaangst {f}
hist. meteo. climate archiveKlimaarchiv {n}
geogr. climate areaKlimagebiet {n}
ecol. pol. climate bonusKlimabonus {m}
climate cabinetKlimaschrank {m}
ecol. climate catastropheKlimakatastrophe {f}
ecol. meteo. climate changeKlimaänderung {f}
hist. meteo. climate changeKlimaentwicklung {f}
meteo. climate changeKlimaveränderung {f}
ecol. climate changeKlimawandel {m}
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Q 2020-04-16: funding climate denial
A 2018-01-01: "climate change"
A 2017-11-10: Looks like +financial compensation for damage caused by climate change+
Q 2016-09-04: climate and temperature control easily operated through the dials
A 2015-01-07: One shouldn't mix up weather and climate
Q 2014-07-09: climate change
A 2014-06-28: How on earth does +Geruch der Luft nach frisch gefallenem Regen+ suggest a...
Q 2014-02-16: Climate change
A 2013-10-07: @ climate-: wobei das "Etwas" in Deinem Satz nicht unbedingt ein Platzhalt...
A 2013-08-20: In my view, +climate change+ is neither here nor there. The point is wheth...
A 2013-05-28: Climate-related means to do with or associated with the climate,
A 2013-05-28: @Salinchen, OK: also climate-related ist eine unscharfe Formulierung
Q 2013-05-27: climate-related variations of ocean currents - präzise Aussage ?
Q 2013-02-02: Looking for a synonym of "moderate climate"
Q 2012-10-23: "The way you understand the changing climate, and the resutling conflicts ...
A 2012-03-21: Climate is used for the weather conditions,
A 2012-03-21: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/climate?q=climate .... trend of ...
A 2012-02-02: @ Climate
A 2012-02-01: @ Climate: I included a link, because I shortened the what was in the book.
A 2011-09-07: Global Climate Change, Stuff (Stoffe)

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