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Dictionary English German: combat

Translation 1 - 50 of 228  >>

English German
VERB  to combat | combatted/combated | combatted/combated ... 
SYNO   armed combat | combat | to battle ... 
NOUN   combat | -
to combat
to combat
to combat
streiten [veraltet] [kämpfen]
to combat sb./sth.
jdn./etw. befehden [geh.] [bekämpfen]
Kampf {m}
mil. combat
Gefecht {n}
Bekämpfung {f}
mil. combat
Schlacht {f}
2 Words: Others
mil. combat-capable {adj}kampffähig
mil. combat-capable {adj} [e.g. military unit]kampfkräftig [z. B. Militäreinheit]
mil. combat-effective {adj} [e.g. military unit]kampfkräftig [z. B. Militäreinheit]
mil. combat-ready {adj}gefechtsbereit
mil. combat-ready {adj}kampfbereit
mil. combat-ready {adj}kriegstüchtig
2 Words: Verbs
to combat against sb.gegen jdn. kämpfen
to combat anxiety(die) Angst bekämpfen
econ. to combat devaluationdie Geldentwertung bekämpfen
to combat fatiguedie Müdigkeit bekämpfen
econ. to combat inflationdie Inflation bekämpfen
mil. to combat terrorism(den) Terrorismus bekämpfen
to combat with sb.mit jdm. kämpfen
to see combatim Kampfeinsatz sein
2 Words: Nouns
mil. (combat) troopsKampftruppen {pl}
mil. (combat) troopsTrupps {pl}
aviat. mil. aerial combatLuftkampf {m}
aviat. mil. aerial combatLuftschlacht {f}
aviat. mil. air combatLuftkampf {m}
mil. breakthrough combatDurchbruchskampf {m}
mil. close combatNahkampf {m}
mil. combat actionGefechtshandlung {f}
mil. combat actionKampfhandlung {f}
mil. combat actionKampftätigkeit {f}
mil. combat actionsKampfhandlungen {pl}
mil. combat activityGefechtstätigkeit {f}
mil. combat activityKampftätigkeit {f}
mil. combat agentKampfstoff {m}
aviat. mil. combat aircraftKampfflugzeug {n}
mil. combat areaGefechtsgebiet {n}
mil. combat areaKampfgebiet {n}
mil. combat areaKampfzone {f}
combat behavior [Am.]Kampfverhalten {n}
combat behaviour [Br.]Kampfverhalten {n}
cloth. mil. combat bootKampfstiefel {m}
cloth. mil. combat bootsKampfstiefel {pl}
mil. combat brigadeKampfbrigade {f}
mil. combat commandKampfgruppenstab {m}
hist. mil. combat command <CC> [combined-arms organization of armored forces of the U.S. Army 1942–1963]Kampfgruppe {f} <KG> [Organisationsform der gepanzerten Streitkräfte der US Army 1942–1963]
mil. combat deploymentKampfeinsatz {m}
jobs mil. combat diverKampftaucher {m}
zool. combat dogKampfhund {m}
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A 2024-06-26: dann vielleicht: tactical clothing - Funktions-, Outdoor-, Prepper-, Com...
Q 2020-04-07: combat ensemble
A 2017-08-09: Or (in this case): the consistent counterscheme to combat the degrading pe...
A 2017-08-08: E.g.: the consistent counterscheme to combat disgracefully cheap sales OR ...
A 2014-10-02: "Operations" generally implies combat, not combat support.
A 2012-03-25: A "match" is a ritual form of combat as practiced in sports. (Sunfunlili g...
A 2009-12-06: Rather than 'operate in single combat', you could say '..fight every man t...
A 2009-12-05: single combat sounds a bit military
A 2009-12-05: single combat sounds a bit military
Q 2009-12-05: Übersetzung akzeptabel? ...operate in single combat in this highly competi...
A 2008-10-12: hm... "combat" klingt merkwürdig here..
A 2008-09-15: Panzerhose = "field trousers" or "combat trousers"
Q 2008-08-22: combat support unit
Q 2008-01-09: global combat
A 2007-11-09: "... to combat the sending of information relating to alleged ...."
Q 2007-09-27: non-taxable combat pay election
A 2007-07-23: military deployment for (potential) fighting or for non-combat tasks
A 2007-06-19: ...whose desire is to combat them
Q 2007-02-16: combat medicine
A 2006-11-30: tackle, slam, counter, combat the EHCR

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