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Dictionary English German: consumption

Translation 1 - 50 of 403  >>

English German
NOUN   consumption | -
SYNO   consumption | economic consumption ... 
Verbrauch {m}
Konsum {m}
Bedarf {m}
Zerstörung {f}
gastr. consumption
Verzehr {m}
med. consumption
Auszehrung {f}
Aufzehrung {f}
med. consumption [dated] [tuberculosis]
Tuberkulose {f}
consumption [of food, drinks, drugs]
Genuss {m} [von Nahrung, Getränken, Drogen]
med. consumption [dated] [pulmonary tuberculosis]
Schwindsucht {f} [veraltend]
Verzehrung {f}
econ. law med. consumption
Konsumption {f}
gastr. consumption
Konsumation {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Verzehr]
med. consumption [dated] [pulmonary tuberculosis]
Brustkrankheit {f} [veraltet] [Lungentuberkulose, Schwindsucht]
econ. law med. consumptionKonsumtion {f}
2 Words: Others
consumption-based {adj}konsumbasiert
comm. econ. consumption-based {adj}verbrauchsorientiert
consumption-oriented {adj}konsumorientiert
2 Words: Verbs
to diminish consumptionKonsum verringern
to diminish consumptionVerbrauch verringern
2 Words: Nouns
additional consumptionMehrverbrauch {m}
air consumptionLuftverbrauch {m}
alcohol consumptionAlkoholkonsum {m}
annual consumptionJahresbedarf {m}
annual consumptionJahresverbrauch {m}
annual consumptionjährlicher Verbrauch {m}
asset consumptionAuszehrung {f} des Eigenkapitals
comm. average consumptionDurchschnittskonsum {m}
average consumptionDurchschnittsverbrauch {m}
average consumptiondurchschnittlicher Verbrauch {m}
econ. beef consumptionRindfleischkonsum {m}
beer consumptionBiergenuss {m}
beer consumptionBierkonsum {m}
beer consumptionBierverbrauch {m}
bulk consumptionMassenverbrauch {m}
gastr. butter consumptionButterverbrauch {m}
calorie consumptionKalorienverbrauch {m}
drugs cannabis consumptionCannabiskonsum {m}
drugs cannabis consumptionCannabis-Konsum {m}
ind. material coal consumptionKohlenverbrauch {m}
coal consumptionKohleverbrauch {m}
drugs cocaine consumptionKokainkonsum {m}
coffee consumptionKaffeekonsum {m}
coffee consumptionKaffeeverbrauch {m}
conspicuous consumptionGeltungskonsum {m}
conspicuous consumptionPrestigekonsum {m}
conspicuous consumptionRepräsentationskonsum {m}
sociol. conspicuous consumptionStatuskonsum {m}
conspicuous consumptiondemonstrativer Konsum {m}
conspicuous consumptionostentativer Konsum {m}
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