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English-German translation for: cooling
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Dictionary English German: cooling

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ADJ   cooling | more cooling | most cooling
NOUN1   a cooling | coolings
NOUN2   cooling | -
VERB  to cool | cooled | cooled
cooling | cools
SYNO   cooling | cooling system | chilling ... 
cooling {adj} {pres-p}
cooling {adj}
cooling {adj} {pres-p}
cooling {adj} [e.g. agent, air, capacity, chamber, liquid]Kühl- [z. B. Mittel, Luft, Leistung, Raum, Flüssigkeit]
cooling {adj} [e.g. system, method, process]Kühlungs- [System, Art / Methode, Vorgang]
Abkühlen {n}
Abkühlung {f}
Kühlung {f}
Erkalten {n}
cooling [the cooling process]Auskühlung {f}
2 Words: Others
cooling off {adj}abkühlend
cooling-off {adj} [attr.] [phase, period, etc.]Cooling-off- [Phase, Periode usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
chem. ablation coolingAblationskühlung {f}
meteo. phys. adiabatic coolingadiabatische Abkühlung {f}
air coolingLuftkühlung {f}
tech. bearing coolingLagerkühlung {f}
med. brain coolingHirnkühlung {f}
ind. brine coolingSolekühlung {f}
engin. capacitive coolingKapazitivkühlung {f}
tech. convection coolingKonvektionskühlung {f}
cooling actionKühlwirkung {f}
tech. cooling adapterKühladapter {m}
cooling agentKühlmittel {n}
cooling airKühlluft {f}
tech. cooling apparatusKühlapparat {m}
cooling applianceKühlgerät {n}
cooling areaKühlfläche {f}
cooling attachmentKühlvorrichtung {f}
cooling baffleKühlluftleitblech {n} [Ablenkblech, Prallblech]
cooling baffleLuftleitblech {n} [zur Kühlung]
cooling bagKühltasche {f}
cooling basinKühlbecken {n}
cooling bathKühlbad {n}
cooling bathkühlendes Bad {n}
cooling batteryKühlregister {n}
cooling bedKühlbett {n}
cooling blowerKühlluftgebläse {n} [mit hohem Durchsatz]
cooling boxKühlbehälter {m} [Kofferformat oder kleiner]
cooling boxKühlbox {f}
sports cooling breakTrinkpause {f}
nucl. cooling brineKühlsole {f}
cooling capabilityKühlleistung {f}
QM tech. cooling capacityKälteleistung {f}
cooling capacityKühlkapazität {f}
cooling capacityKühlleistung {f} [z. B. eines Kühlschranks]
tech. cooling capacityKühlungskapazität {f}
tech. cooling capacityKühlvermögen {n}
med. cooling catheterKühlkatheter {m}
cooling ceiling [ceiling with integrated cooling system]Kühldecke {f}
cooling center [Am.]Abkühlzentrum {n} [selten]
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Q 2015-10-17: liquid-cooling heat dissipation device
A 2015-01-29: Prevent your coffee from cooling too quickly
Q 2015-01-29: freshly minted driver’s license was cooling
A 2014-02-17: Global cooling
A 2012-01-24: cooling water terminal reservoir?
Q 2012-01-23: Text über Turbinen - total komischer Ausdruck "cooling water terminal cubi...
A 2011-12-07: Cooling the air beyond this point results in water vapour condensing to be...
A 2011-12-06: Cooling the air beyond this point +results+ in water vapour condensing to ...
A 2011-06-19: So perhaps: polygonal cooling slide (injection moulding)
A 2011-06-19: polygonal cooling fins
A 2011-06-19: ? cooling traverses http://www.dict.cc/?s=Polygonzug
A 2010-08-19: cooling load = Kühllast. Romy, this could help ,..
A 2009-10-14: Confusion reigns - but in this case, I'd say "continuous" - "continual coo...
A 2009-08-20: passive heating and cooling / passive HVAC
A 2009-03-06: heating/cooling
A 2009-03-06: heating & cooling
A 2009-02-19: mit Klammern wird's klarer: Chiller (cooling system) - Kühlsystem eines K...
Q 2009-02-19: Chiller cooling system
A 2008-11-21: Typo: cooling
A 2008-11-20: ...which, apart from ......of coolING and heating rooms, provide (or perform?)

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