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English-German translation for: court
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Dictionary English German: court

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NOUN   a court | courts
VERB  to court | courted | courted ... 
SYNO   court | court of justice ... 
NOUN   der Court | die Courts
court {adj} [attr.]
orn. to court [of a male bird to attract a mate]
to court sb.
jdn. umwerben
to court sth. [risk]
etw.Akk. herausfordern [Unglück, Tod etc.]
to court sb.um jdn. werben
to court sb.jdm. den Hof machen
to court sb. [dated]um jdn. freien [veraltet]
to court sb./sth. [also fig.]um jdn./etw. buhlen [auch fig.] [um Applaus, Anerkennung etc.]
to court sth. [try hard to win sth.] [wealth, fame, applause]um etw. bemüht sein
law court
Gericht {n}
Hof {m}
sports court
Platz {m} [Tennisplatz]
law court
Gerichtshof {m}
sports court
Spielfeld {n} [Tennis, Squash, Basketball]
Spielplatz {m}
court [household and entourage of a sovereign]
Hofstaat {m}
law court [instance]
Instanz {f} [Gericht]
sports court
Court {m} [Tennis]
hist. law court
Gerichte {n} [veraltet] [Gericht]
law court [panel of judges]
Gerichtskollegium {n}
court [holding of court]
Hofhaltung {f}
law [the court's right to reduce or abate (the fines or punitive measures)]richterliches Mäßigungsrecht {n}
2 Words: Others
law at court {adv}bei Gericht
hist. at court {adv}bei Hofe
at court {adv}am Hof / Hofe [am Hofe ist die eher historisierende, gehobene Form]
at court {adj} [postpos.]höfisch
law in court {adv}bei Gericht
law in court {adv}vor Gericht
tout court {adv}generell
tout court {adv} [rare]ohne Einschränkung
tout court {adv} [in short, briefly]kurz [gesagt, gefasst etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to court controversyeinen Streit anfachen
idiom to court disasterdas Unglück herausfordern
to court sb.'s favour [Br.]um jds. Gunst buhlen [pej.] [geh.]
mil. to court-martial sb.jdn. vor ein Kriegsgericht stellen
law mil. to court-martial sb.jdn. vor ein Militärgericht stellen
to hold court [also idiom, hum.]Hof halten [auch Redewendung, hum.]
2 Words: Nouns
(court) bailiffKuckuckskleber {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Gerichtsvollzieher]
(court) flunkey [pej.] [underling]Hofschranze {f} [seltener oder veraltet {m}] [bes. fig.]
hist. (court) jesterHofnarr {m}
(court) toady [pej.]Hofschranze {f} [seltener oder veraltet {m}] [pej.]
sports (grass) courtRasen {m} [Tennis]
law administrative courtVerwaltungsgericht {n}
law Administrative CourtVerwaltungsgerichtshof {m}
law naut. admiralty courtSeegericht {n}
law appeal courtBerufungsgericht {n} <BerGer.>
law appeals court [Am.]Berufungsgericht {n}
law appellate courtAppellationsgericht {n} [veraltet]
law appellate courtBerufungsgericht {n}
law appellate courtBeschwerdegericht {n}
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A 2024-10-15: Aus dem führenden Fachwörterbuch. +law court+ wohl nur sinnvoll, wenn das ...
Q 2023-11-29: court-like
A 2023-03-29: Reported indeed? To a kangaroo court or what?
A 2023-03-27: Presidium , Presidium of the Court
A 2023-01-02: Rechtsreferent > legal secretary / law clerk at the Court of Justice / leg...
A 2022-07-11: to court death ?? to embrace death ??
Q 2021-12-07: Volkgerichtshof / People's Court
A 2021-11-06: [archaic spv.] court house, court-house
Q 2021-11-06: courthouse, court house, court-house
A 2021-09-21: ? (medieval) court site, ancient court site ?
A 2021-07-02: The splendid Denglish trans quoted by callixte gives the impression of cla...
A 2021-01-17: Ha ha! That's a really funny court case, actually!
Q 2020-04-10: Full-court blitzkrieg
A 2020-02-28: (a) I have never been deprived of my right to run / operate a business by ...
A 2020-01-20: Actually, +official expert+ might do +tout court+
A 2019-10-16: oder: court of lay judges
A 2019-10-15: ... complaint on points of law without leave (of the court)
Q 2019-03-20: princely court
A 2019-01-21: constitution of the court / constituents
Q 2018-10-22: EU National Court

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