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English-German translation for: currency
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Dictionary English German: currency

Translation 1 - 50 of 381  >>

English German
NOUN   a currency | currencies
SYNO   currency | currentness ... 
curr. fin. currency
Währung {f}
Zahlungsmittel {n}
currency [of a theory etc.]
Umlauf {m} [von Theorie, Gerücht etc.]
fin. currency
Geldumlauf {m}
currency [prevalence, vogue]
Aktualität {f} [Zeitraum, in dem etw. aktuell ist]
currency [of a theory, a piece of news etc.]
Verbreitung {f} [einer Theorie, eines Gerüchts]
fin. currency [validity]
Geltung {f} [von Münzen]
currency [of a word, expression]
Gebräuchlichkeit {f}
curr. hist. currency [before the age of printing]Münzwährung {f}
fin. currency {sg}Umlaufmittel {pl}
2 Words: Others
fin. cross-currency {adj}währungsübergreifend
fin. hard-currency {adj} [attr.] [country]valutastark
curr. multi-currency {adj} [attr.]in mehreren Währungen [nachgestellt]
fin. soft-currency {adj} [country]valutaschwach
2 Words: Verbs
econ. fin. to exchange currencyWährung umtauschen
ling. to gain currencysich einbürgern [Fremdwort]
to gain currencysich verbreiten
to gain currencyVerbreitung finden
to gain currencyum sich greifen
2 Words: Nouns
curr. (currency) denominationWährungsbezeichnung {f}
account currencyKontowährung {f}
accounting currencyAbrechnungswährung {f}
econ. acquisition currencyAkquisitionswährung {f}
agreement currencyVerrechnungswährung {f}
fin. unit alternative currencyAlternativwährung {f}
fin. anchor currencyAnkerwährung {f}
fin. anchor currencyBezugswährung {f}
curr. fin. anchor currencyLeitwährung {f}
econ. anchor currencyWährungsanker {m}
curr. artificial currencyKunstwährung {f}
curr. artificial currencykünstliche Währung {f}
econ. asset currencyAnlagewährung {f}
backed currencygestützte Währung {f}
base currencyBasiswährung {f}
econ. base currencyGrundwährung {f}
fin. basket currencyKorbwährung {f}
blocked currencynicht konvertierbare Währung {f}
curr. bronze currencyBronzewährung {f}
hist. cigarette currencyZigarettenwährung {f}
curr. EU fin. common currencyGemeinschaftswährung {f}
curr. common currencygemeinsame Währung {f}
curr. fin. community currencyRegionalgeld {n}
econ. complementary currencyKomplementärwährung {f}
fin. composite currencyKorbwährung {f}
curr. convertible currencyValuta {f} [DDR]
convertible currencykonvertierbare Währung {f}
law counterfeiting currency [of banknotes and coins]Falschmünzerei {f}
curr. Internet crypto currencyKryptowährung {f}
currency abbreviationWährungsabkürzung {f}
currency accountWährungskonto {n}
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Q 2021-11-18: currency pick
A 2020-12-26: Tea money: bribe / ancient currency / communal kitty
A 2020-12-15: Currency of +emotional courage+
Q 2019-03-22: Currency format
A 2018-12-11: On the currency of both expressions in BE \ AE
A 2018-02-19: +hygge+ is much shorter than +Gemütlichkeit,+ which may have contributed t...
A 2017-06-11: As you can see, it had some currency in 18th/19th-c. Britain.
A 2017-06-05: digital fiat currency -> Kryptowährung
Q 2017-06-04: digital fiat currency
Q 2017-05-15: Currency conversion
A 2017-05-15: Technically, the word seems to be +currency translation+ only
A 2016-12-08: Currency
A 2016-06-29: Ad +hyphened+ — purists may prefer +hyphenated+ but the shortened form is ...
A 2016-04-25: Currency
A 2015-07-21: Far from actually coming up with the 21,400 results Google initially claim...
A 2015-01-18: The +drum major instinct+ has a certain currency among intellectuals
A 2014-05-27: Just price? Or nothing at all - if there's a currency sign, it's obviously...
A 2013-10-19: Not quibbling with you, Catesse - I was simply pointing out that the less ...
A 2013-09-20: Not 290 k€ - the currency sign goes before the amount in English.
Q 2013-07-26: Regarding currency format

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