| English | German | |
Keywords contained |
| to delve into sth. | sich eingehend mit etw.Dat. befassen | |
| to delve into sth. | sich tief eingraben | |
| to delve into sth. [fig.] | sich in etw.Akk. vertiefen [sich intensiv mit etw. beschäftigen] | |
| to delve into sth. [also fig.] | in etw.Akk. eintauchen [auch fig: sich in etw. vertiefen (lesend, in Gedanken)] | |
| to delve into sth. [fig.] [explore, do research] | etw. erforschen | |
| to delve into sth. [fig.] [subject, book etc.] | sich in etw. hineingraben [fig.] [Thema, Arbeit etc.] | |
Partial Matches |
| to delve into a subject | sich in ein Thema vertiefen | |
| to delve into old books | sich in alte Bücher vertiefen | |
| to delve for sth. | nach etw.Dat. forschen | |
| to delve | forschen | |
| to delve | graben | |
| to delve | sich senken | |
| delve | Höhlung {f} | |
| delve | Senkung {f} | |
| to delve deeply | angestrengt forschen | |
| to delve deeply | tief forschen | |
| to delve among books | in Büchern stöbern | |
| delve of spade | Spatenstich {m} | |
| to translate sth. into sth. [e.g. dominance into goals] | etw. in etw.Akk. ummünzen [z. B. Überlegenheit in Tore] | |
| EU law to transpose sth. into sth. [esp. directives into national law] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. umsetzen [bes. Richtlinien in nationales Recht] | |
| to mould sb./sth. (into sth.) [Br.] [also fig.] | jdn./etw. (zu etw.Dat.) formen [auch fig.] | |
| to slip sth. into sth. [poison into food etc.] | heimlich etw. unter / in etw. mischen [Gift unters / ins Essen etc.] | |
| to bring sb./sth. more into line with sth. | jdn./etw. an etw. annähern | |
| to pressure sb. (to do sth. / into doing sth.) | jdn. bedrängen (etw. zu tun) | |
| to convert sth. into sth. [e.g. ball possession into goals] | etw. in etw.Akk. ummünzen [z. B. Ballbesitz in Tore] | |
| to plough sth. into sth. [coll.] [fig.] [e. g. money, energy] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. hineinstecken [ugs.] [in etw. investieren] | |
| to drive sth. into sth. [e.g. a nail into the wall] | etw. in etw.Akk. einschlagen [z. B. einen Nagel in die Wand] | |
| gastr. to whisk sth. into sth. [e.g. an egg into the soup] | etw. in etw.Akk. einquirlen [z. B. ein Ei in die Suppe] | |
| to incorporate sth. (in / into sth.) [e.g. changes, a quotation, flour] | etw.Akk. (in etw.Akk.) einarbeiten [z. B. Änderungen, ein Zitat, Mehl] | |
| to draw sb./sth. into sth. [also fig.] | jdn./etw. in etw.Akk. hineinziehen [auch fig.] | |
| to insert sth. into sth. [to slide sth. in] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. reinschieben [ugs.] [hineinschieben] | |
| to set sth. into sth. [arts and crafts] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. einlassen | |
| to thrust (sth.) into sb./sth. [knife etc.] | (etw.Akk.) in jdn./etw. stoßen / hineinstoßen [Messer etc.] | |
| sth. finds its way into sth. [fig.] | etw. findet in etw. Eingang [fig.] | |
| to bring sth. in / into line with sth. | etw.Akk. an etw.Akk. angleichen | |
| to divide sth. into sth. [chapters etc.] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. gliedern | |
| to drag sb./sth. into sth. [fig.] | jdn./etw. in etw.Akk. hineinziehen [verwickeln] | |
| to pitchfork sb./sth. into sth. [fig.] | jdn./etw. in etw.Akk. hineinwerfen [fig.] | |
| to spoon sth. into sth. [cup, etc.] | etw.Akk. mit dem Löffel in etw.Akk. füllen [Tasse, usw.] | |
| to stick sth. into sth. [coll.] [to put] | etw. in etw.Akk. hineinstecken | |
| to stick sth. into sth. [coll.] [to put] | etw. in etw.Akk. reinmachen [ugs.] [reintun] | |
| to stick sth. into sth. [coll.] [to put] | etw. in etw.Akk. reinstecken [ugs.] | |
| to stick sth. into sth. [coll.] [to put] | etw. in etw.Akk. reintun [ugs.] | |
| to weave sth. into sth. [cane, garland] | etw. in etw.Akk. flechten | |
| to break sth. down into sth. [simplify] | etw.Akk. auf etw.Akk. herunterbrechen [vereinfachen] | |
| to bring sth. into accord with sth. | etw.Akk. mit etw.Dat. in Übereinstimmung bringen | |
| to bring sth. into accordance (with sth.) | etw.Akk. (mit etw.Dat.) in Einklang bringen [geh.] | |
| to bring sth. into line with sth. | etw. nach etw.Dat. ausrichten [fig.] [etw. an etw. angleichen] | |
| to chase sb./sth. into sth. | jdn./etw. in etw.Akk. hineinjagen | |
| to differentiate sth. into sth. [categories] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. einteilen [Kategorien] | |
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