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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: depend on each other
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: depend on each other

Translation 1 - 50 of 13250  >>

Keywords contained
to depend on each othereinander bedingen [geh.]
to depend on each othervoneinander abhängen
Partial Matches
to border on each otheraneinander grenzen [alt]
to border on each otheraneinandergrenzen
to lean on each otheraneinander lehnen
to rely on each othersichAkk. aufeinander verlassen
to settle on each otheraufeinander setzen [alt]
to settle on each otheraufeinandersetzen
on (top of) each other {adv}aufeinander
on top of each other {adv}übereinander
to set on / at each otheraufeinander hetzen [alt]
to set on / at each otheraufeinanderhetzen
to fit on top of each otheraufeinander passen [alt]
to fit on top of each otheraufeinanderpassen
to get on top of each otheraufeinander stellen [alt]
to get on top of each otheraufeinanderstellen
to lay on top of each otheraufeinander legen [alt]
to lay on top of each otheraufeinanderlegen
to lie on top of each otheraufeinander liegen [alt]
to lie on top of each otheraufeinander sitzen [alt]
to lie on top of each otheraufeinanderliegen
to lie on top of each otheraufeinandersitzen
to lie on top of each otherübereinander liegen [alt]
to lie on top of each otherübereinanderliegen
to live on top of each otheraufeinander sitzen [alt]
to live on top of each otheraufeinandersitzen
to pile on top of each otheraufeinander türmen [alt]
to pile on top of each otheraufeinandertürmen
to put on top of each otheraufeinander setzen [alt]
to put on top of each otheraufeinandersetzen
to put on top of each otherübereinanderstellen
to sit on top of each otheraufeinander sitzen [alt]
to sit on top of each otheraufeinandersitzen
stacked on top of each other {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]übereinander gestapelt [alt]
stacked on top of each other {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]übereinandergestapelt
to be placed on top of each otheraufeinander setzen [alt]
to be placed on top of each otheraufeinandersetzen
to pile up on top of each otherübereinandertürmen
to put / place on top of each otheraufeinander stellen [alt]
to put / place on top of each otheraufeinanderstellen
They had a crush on each other. [coll.]Sie waren frisch verknallt. [ugs.]
to be on the outs with each other [coll.] [idiom]schlecht aufeinander zu sprechen sein
to lay / put on top of each other / one anotherübereinander legen [alt]
to lay / put on top of each other / one anotherübereinanderlegen
to not be on speaking terms (with each other) [idiom]zerstritten sein
to depend on sb.auf jdn. ankommen
to depend on sb.sich auf jdn. stützen [fig.]
to depend on sth.auf etw.Akk. angewiesen sein
to depend on sth.sich nach etw.Dat. richten [abhängen von]
to depend on sth.von etw.Dat. abhängig sein
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