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English-German translation for: diagram
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Dictionary English German: diagram

Translation 1 - 50 of 303  >>

English German
NOUN   a diagram | diagrams
VERB  to diagram | diagramed/diagrammed | diagramed/diagrammed ... 
SYNO   to diagram | to plot
tech. to diagram sth.
etw. schematisieren [schematisch darstellen / abbilden]
Diagramm {n}
Schaubild {n}
Grafik {f}
Schema {n}
tech. diagram [usually hand drawn]
Skizze {f} [technische Abbildung meistens per Hand]
diagram <diag.>
Figur {f} <Fig.>
diagramgraphische Darstellung {f} [allgem., auch von Werten usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
action diagramAktionsdiagramm {n}
comp. econ. QM activity diagramAktivitätsdiagramm {n}
econ. QM spec. affinity diagram <AD>Affinitätsdiagramm {n}
aviat. airport diagramFlughafendiagramm {n} [auch: Flughafen-Diagramm]
math. area diagramFlächendiagramm {n}
math. Argand diagramArgand-Diagramm {n}
electr. tech. arrangement diagramAnordnungsplan {m} [Einbauzeichnung]
arrow diagramPfeildiagramm {n}
bar diagramBalkendiagramm {n}
tech. base diagramSockelbild {n}
math. bifurcation diagramBifurkationsdiagramm {n}
blading diagramBeschaufelungsplan {m}
block diagramAblaufdiagramm {n}
block diagramBlockdarstellung {f}
tech. block diagramBlockdiagramm {n}
electr. block diagramBlockschaltbild {n}
block diagramBlockschema {n}
electr. block diagramÜbersichtsschaltplan {m}
audio electr. Bode diagramBode-Diagramm {n}
math. Bratteli diagramBratteli-Diagramm {n}
butterfly diagramSchmetterlingsdiagramm {n}
causal diagram [diagram showing cause and effect]Ursache-Wirkungs-Diagramm {n}
tech. characteristic diagramKennfeld {n}
mus. chord diagramAkkorddiagramm {n}
comp. choreography diagramChoreografie-Diagramm {n}
circle diagramKreisdiagramm {n}
electr. circuit diagramSchaltbild {n}
electr. circuit diagramSchaltdiagramm {n}
electr. circuit diagramSchaltplan {m}
electr. circuit diagramStromlaufplan {m}
circuit diagramPlan {m} des Stromkreises
comp. class diagramKlassendiagramm {n}
rail clearance diagramLichtraumprofil {n}
meteo. climate diagramKlimadiagramm {n}
comp. collaboration diagramKollaborationsdiagramm {n}
color diagram [Am.]Farbdiagramm {n}
column diagramSäulendiagramm {n}
comp. communication diagram <CD>Kommunikationsdiagramm {n} <KD>
communications diagramKommunikationsdiagramm {n}
math. commutative diagramkommutatives Diagramm {n}
electr. component diagramBestückungsplan {m}
comp. component diagram <CD>Komponentendiagramm {n} <KD, KmD, KoD>
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A 2019-12-18: The placement of components as depicted in circuit diagram in fig. 2 is im...
A 2016-11-29: ? context diagram +(sort of)+
A 2016-11-29: not a Venn diagram
A 2015-05-15: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=wind+turbine+diagram
A 2012-12-12: schematisierend - diagram(m)ing
A 2012-12-12: dasselbe gilt für "to diagram"
A 2012-10-12: It's more like a brief note, like on a diagram / chart or in the margin of...
A 2012-01-24: Possibly either phosphor(us) or referring to labelling on a diagram.
A 2011-12-03: spc scatter diagram / plot
A 2011-12-01: I think we need a bigger diagram :)
A 2011-11-07: could there be a detailed diagram of the hook?
A 2011-01-26: My try for a diagram:
A 2011-01-26: You should make a diagram of this sentence. It makes things a lot easier.
Q 2011-01-21: Text über Brandgefahren - "P-vs-t Diagram" unbekannt
A 2009-12-15: block diagram
A 2009-12-15: Main curcuit scheme/...block diagram
A 2009-02-24: schematic circuit diagram of an/a (DC - AC) inverter
Q 2008-08-22: mesh grid diagram
A 2008-04-02: tree diagram ? Baumdiagramm evtl. ?
A 2008-04-01: layout diagram/plan ; maybe much less pretentious: "map" ...

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