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English-German translation for: due
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Dictionary English German: due

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NOUN   a due | dues
SYNO   ascribable | due | imputable ... 
fin. due {adj}
due {adj} [appropriate]
passend [angemessen]
due {adj}
due {adj} [care]
nötig [Sorgfalt etc.]
due {adj} [attention, consideration, credit]
due {adj} [attention, care]
fin. due {adj}
Anteil {m}
fin. due
Schuld {f}
fin. due
Abgabe {f}
Lohn {m}
law due
Recht {n} [rechtmäßig Zustehendes]
Gebührendes {n}
law duerechtmäßig Zustehendes {n}
2 Words: Others
fin. coming due {pres-p}fällig werdend
due east {adv}genau östlich
due east {adv}genau nach Osten
due north {adv}genau nördlich
due north {adv}genau nach Norden
due south {adv}genau südlich
due south {adv}genau nach Süden
due to {prep}aufgrund [+Gen.]
due to {prep}dank [+Gen., +Dat.; im Pl. meist mit Gen.]
due to {prep}durch [+Akk.]
due to {prep}infolge [+Gen.]
due to {prep}ob [+Gen.] [selten auch +Dat.] [geh.] [veraltend] [wegen]
due to {prep}wegen <wg.> [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.]
due to {prep}auf Grund [+Gen.]
due to {prep}zurückzuführen auf
due west {adv}genau westlich
due west {adv}genau nach Westen
past due {adj} {adv}überfällig
past-due {adj}überfällig
fin. sth. is dueetw. ist fällig
fin. when due {adv}bei Fälligkeit
fin. when due {adv}bei Verfall
2 Words: Verbs
to be duefällig sein
to be due [elections, results]anstehen [bevorstehen, fällig sein]
to be due [money etc.]ausstehen [fällig sein]
to be due [plane, train, bus]ankommen sollen
to become duefällig werden
to fall duefällig werden
2 Words: Nouns
amount dueBetrag {m}
amount duefälliger Betrag {m}
annuity duevorschüssige Rente {f}
hist. apprentice's dueLehrgeld {n}
balance dueRestschuld {f}
balance duegeschuldeter Betrag {m}
balance dueschuldiger Betrag {m}
balances dueGuthabenforderungen {pl}
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A 2023-10-11: Due höhere Hürde müsste Paul festlegen bzw. entscheiden.
A 2020-12-11: Etwa so: EDD / enhanced due diligence > ESP / erweiterte Sorgfaltspflicht ...
A 2020-12-11: (1) EDD ~ enhanced due diligence < > (2) EDD file ~ Element Definition Doc...
A 2020-02-22: credit where credit is due
A 2019-11-10: ... of the due date / of the maturity of the claims
A 2019-10-15: The appeal failed due to not substantiating the (legal) reasons with regar...
Q 2018-11-23: with due allowance
Q 2017-12-30: Difficult to hear due to audience
Q 2017-03-04: He canceled all debts due to interest bearing loans of grain.
Q 2017-02-01: total due line - was wird damit gemeint?
A 2016-09-22: Growth in Chinese investment(s) in Germany as part of / due to Chinese ind...
A 2016-08-28: "to chap" can mean to crack; e.g. chapped soil in dry weather, chapped ski...
Q 2016-05-07: AAMOF like you. With all due respect
A 2016-04-27: Pflichte anon bei: ~ je nach Fälligkeit > The fee shall be paid when it fa...
Q 2016-01-02: Your item could not be delivered on December 28, 2015 at 7:07 am in GERMAN...
A 2015-11-26: ... due to base effects, if nothing else.
A 2015-11-13: ... that the businesspersons have, insofar as para 2 is immaterial, exerci...
A 2015-10-30: ... on top of this may also affect the damaging party / parties in that it...
A 2015-10-28: distorted image due to interference on a TV screen
A 2015-10-08: ...leave the notion of responsibility empty of [meaningful] content by fil...

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