| English | German |  |
Keywords contained |
 | e-fit / E-fit (picture) [after: Electronic Facial Identification Technique] [esp. Br.] | digitales Fahndungsfoto {n} |  |
Partial Matches |
 | to fit sb./sth. [e.g. the description fits him exactly, the lid doesn't fit the pot] | auf jdn./etw. passen [z. B. Beschreibung auf jdn., Deckel auf Dose] |  |
 | med. fit [short for: epileptic fit] | (epileptischer) Anfall {m} |  |
 | to fit sth. [to fit into furniture, etc.] | etw. einpassen |  |
 | to be fighting fit again [idiom] [be fit / well again] | wieder auf dem Damm sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [wieder gesund sein] |  |
 | a fit retired couple [an older married couple who are (still) fit] | ein fittes Rentnerehepaar {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | crying {adj} [e.g. fit or jag] | Wein- [Heul-] [z. B. Krampf] |  |
 | laughing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bag, fit, gas] | Lach- [z. B. Sack, Anfall, Gas] |  |
 | Error and omission excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE> | Irrtum und Auslassung vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] |  |
 | Errors and omissions excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE> | Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] |  |
 | summer repairs [to make e.g. objects, buildings fit for winter] | Sommerreparaturen {pl} [um z. B. Gegenstände, Gebäude wintertauglich zu machen] |  |
 | errors excepted <E.E., e.e.> | Irrtümer vorbehalten |  |
 | mil. naut. E-boat [also: e-boat] | Schnellboot {n} |  |
 | neol. to e-meet [meet via e-mail] | per E-Mail kennenlernen |  |
 | comp. pol. e-participation [also: eParticipation, e-Participation] | E-Partizipation {f} |  |
 | Internet to e-mail sth. [send via e-mail] | etw.Akk. per E-Mail schicken |  |
 | chem. FoodInd. glutamic acid <Glu, E> [E-620] [C5H9NO4] | Glutaminsäure {f} <Glu, E> |  |
 | film quote E.T. phone home. [E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial] | E.T. nach Hause telefonieren. |  |
 | sports fit to fight {adj} [e.g. boxer] [postpos.] | kampffähig [z. B. Boxer] |  |
 | to fit sth. with suspension [e.g. car] | etw. federn [Auto, Räder usw.] |  |
 | picture {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frame, exhibition, puzzle] | Bilder- [z. B. Rahmen, Ausstellung, Rätsel] |  |
 | shocking picture [e.g. on cigarette packs] | Schockbild {n} |  |
 | picture {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dictionary, calendar, size, quality] | Bild- [z. B. Wörterbuch, Kalender, Format, Qualität] |  |
 | picture-perfect {adj} [esp. Am.] [e.g. family, weather] | Traum- [Bilderbuch-, z. B. Familie, Wetter] |  |
 | picture-postcard {adj} [attr.] [fig.: idyllic, e.g. village] | Bilderbuch- [fig.: idyllisch, z. B. Dorf] |  |
 | mil. fighting fit {adj} [in top shape] [i,e, a soldier] | voll einsatzbereit |  |
 | first edition <FE, F/E, 1E, 1/e> | Erstausgabe {f} <EA> |  |
 | zool. T precious wentletrap [Epitonium scalare, syn.: E. breve, E. gradatum, E. laevis, E. lineatum, E. medium, E. minor, E. pygmaeum, E. subtile, Scalaria pretiosa, S. scalaris] | |  |
 | comm. errors and omissions excepted <E. & O. E.> | Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten |  |
 | to paint a gloomy picture (of sth.) [fig.] [e. g. of future events or a situation] | (von etw.Dat.) ein düsteres Bild zeichnen [fig.] [z. B. von zukünftigen Ereignissen oder einer Situation] |  |
 | relig. Church of England <C of E> <CE> <C.E.> <CofE> <COE> | [englische Staatskirche] |  |
 | mus. E minor <e, Em> | e-Moll {n} <e, Em> |  |
 | biochem. immunoglobulin E <Ig E> | Immunoglobulin E {n} <Ig E> |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | comp. tech. picture-in-picture {adj} [attr.] <PiP> | Bild-in-Bild- <BiB-> |  |
 | med. accidents and emergencies [Br.] <A & E, A&E> [department] | Notaufnahme {f} [Abteilung im Krankenhaus] |  |
 | to fit sth. on sth. [e.g. a spoiler on a car] | etw.Akk. an etw.Akk. anbauen [anbringen, an etw. montieren] |  |
 | math. a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> | a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> |  |
 | to fit sth. to sth. [e.g. a spoiler to a car] | etw.Akk. an etw.Dat. anbauen [anbringen, anmontieren] |  |
 | mus. E flat <E♭> | Es {n} <E♭> [Ton] |  |
 | mus. E major <E> | E-Dur {n} <E> |  |
 | mus. E sharp <E♯> | Eis {n} <E♯> [Ton] |  |
 | material tech. unit E-modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] |  |
 | cloth. fitting [fit] | Passform {f} |  |
 | chem. enantiomeric excess <ee, e.e., EE> | Enantiomerenüberschuss {m} <EÜ> |  |
 | to match [adjust, fit] | anpassen [etw. an etw.] |  |
 | to mate [fit together] | zusammenpassen |  |
 | cry [fit of weeping] | Heulanfall {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | to square with sth. [to fit] | mit etw.Dat. übereinstimmen |  |
 | med. gelastic seizure [laughing fit] | gelastischer Anfall {m} [Lachanfall] |  |
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