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English-German translation for: educational
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Dictionary English German: educational

Translation 1 - 50 of 326  >>

English German
ADJ   educational | more educational | most educational
NOUN   educational | educationals
educational {adj}
educational {adj} [needs, achievement]
educational {adj} [instructive]
educational {adj}
educational {adj}
educational {adj} [instructive]
educational {adj}
aufklärerisch [erzieherisch, unterrichtend]
educ. educational {adj}
educ. educational {adj}zur Ausbildung gehörend
2 Words: Others
basic educational {adj}grundbildend
educ. co-educational {adj}gemischt [Jungen und Mädchen]
co-educational {adj}gemeinsame Erziehungs-
educ. general educational {adj}allgemeinbildend
pseudo-educational {adj}pseudoedukativ
educ. special educational {adj}sonderpädagogisch
2 Words: Nouns
educ. (educational) dropoutsBildungsabbrecher {pl}
educ. (educational) dropoutsSchulabbrecher {pl}
educ. educational achievementBildungsabschluss {m}
educ. educational achievementBildungskompetenz {f}
educ. educational achievementBildungsleistung {f}
educational achievementBildungsniveau {n}
educ. educational achievement {sg}Schulleistungen {pl}
educ. educational activityBildungsarbeit {f}
admin. educ. educational administrationBildungsadministration {f}
educ. educational administrationBildungsverwaltung {f}
admin. educ. educational administration [school administration](pädagogische) Schulverwaltung {f}
educational advertisingAufklärung {f}
educational advertisingbelehrende Werbung {f}
educ. educational aidBildungshilfe {f}
educ. educational aid [financial aid for education]Ausbildungshilfe {f}
educ. educational aid [tool]Lernhilfe {f}
educ. educational aimBildungsziel {n}
sociol. educational alienationBildungsferne {f}
educ. educational assistanceErziehungshilfe {f}
educ. educational assistant <EA>Schulbegleiter {m}
educ. educational attainmentBildungsabschluss {m}
educ. sociol. educational attainmentBildungsstand {m}
educ. sociol. educational attainments {pl}Bildungsstand {m}
educ. educational backgroundBildungsprofil {n}
educational backgroundBildungsstand {m}
educational backgroundVorbildung {f}
educ. educational biographyBildungsbiografie {f}
educational campErziehungslager {n}
educ. educational canonBildungskanon {m}
educ. educational careerBildungsgang {m} [Bildungsweg]
educational careerBildungskarriere {f}
educ. sociol. educational careerBildungslaufbahn {f}
educ. educational catastropheBildungskatastrophe {f}
educ. educational center [Am.]Bildungszentrum {n}
educ. educational centre [Br.]Bildungszentrum {n}
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Q 2021-06-15: Educational Agenda
A 2019-11-04: educational values
A 2019-09-14: ? special educational paths
Q 2019-01-25: Educational tool
A 2016-10-10: educational team
A 2015-12-23: it's an educational one ....
A 2015-10-28: Bildungskatastrophe > educational disaster, disaster in education
A 2015-06-21: The deterioration of the educational system(-s) is an issue,
A 2015-06-11: "Stellwerk" is a Swiss educational company (Lehrmittelverlag St. Gallen)
Q 2015-02-03: In the educational chicken-and-egg scenario of learning
A 2014-06-19: differing educational systems
A 2013-07-26: music educational psychology ...
A 2013-06-11: Co-martial rather than co-educational
Q 2012-06-07: separate educational provision
A 2010-08-16: And, thus, destroyed a perfectly working and internationally renouned Germ...
A 2010-06-17: Educational Director
A 2010-04-07: German dual educational system:
A 2010-03-23: Profound is deep - so the educational background is more specialised
A 2010-03-23: Very good verbal skills, profound educational background and a keen perception.
A 2010-03-10: or studies in educational theory

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educational aim
educational alienation
educational assistance
educational assistant
educational attainment

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