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English-German translation for: effects
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Dictionary English German: effects

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NOUN   an effect | effects
VERB  to effect | effected | effected
effecting | effects
SYNO   effects | personal effects
Auswirkungen {pl}
Effekte {pl}
Wirkungen {pl}
effects [personal (movable) belongings]
Vermögenswerte {pl}
effects [property]
Effekten {pl}
effects {pl} [movable belongings]bewegliche Habe {f}
2 Words: Nouns
pharm. (pharmaceutical) effectsWirkeigenschaften {f}
VetMed. adjuvant effects {pl}Adjuvanswirksamkeit {f}
adverse effectsBeeinträchtigungen {pl}
adverse effectsnachteilige Auswirkungen {pl}
after-effectsNachwirkungen {pl}
after-effectsSpätfolgen {pl}
audio effectsAudioeffekte {pl}
audio effectsKlangeffekte {pl}
audio effectsToneffekte {pl}
psych. calming effects {pl}beruhigende Wirkung {f}
causal effectsKausaleffekte {pl}
colour effects [Br.]Farbeffekte {pl}
med. psych. concomitant effectsBegleiterscheinungen {pl}
consequential effectsdaraus folgende Wirkungen {pl}
continuing effects {pl}Weiterwirken {n}
damaging effectsschädliche Auswirkungen {pl}
med. MedTech. nucl. deterministic effectsdeterministische Effekte {pl}
econ. distribution effectsVerteilungseffekte {pl}
distribution effectsVerteilungswirkungen {pl}
econ. distributive effectsVerteilungseffekte {pl}
mus. effects pedalEffektpedal {n}
phys. entropy effects {pl}Entropieeffekt {m}
ecol. environmental effectsUmweltauswirkungen {pl}
biol. excitatory effectsexzitatorische Effekte {pl}
external effectsexterne Effekte {pl}
fiscal effectssteuerliche Auswirkungen {pl}
harmful effectsschädigende Wirkungen {pl}
med. health effectsgesundheitliche Auswirkungen {pl}
household effects {pl}Hausmobiliar {n}
household effects {pl}Hausrat {m}
image effectsImageeffekte {pl}
incidental effects {pl}Nebeneffekte {pl}
econ. inflation effectsInflationseffekte {pl}
injurious effectsschädliche Auswirkungen {pl}
meteo. lee effectsLeeeffekte {pl}
meteo. meteorological effectsWettereinflüsse {pl}
negative effectsnegative Auswirkungen {pl}
econ. neighborhood effects [Am.]externe Effekte {pl} [Auswirkungen]
med. noxious effectsgesundheitsschädliche Effekte {pl}
personal effectspersönliche Effekten {pl}
personal effectspersönliche Sachen {pl}
personal effectsGegenstände {pl} zum persönlichen Gebrauch
personal effects {pl}persönliche Gebrauchsgegenstände {pl}
personal effects {pl}persönliche Habe {f}
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A 2018-11-13: PS: Some of the sound effects of zips opening or closing may be hard to di...
Q 2017-12-10: Demand Effects übersetzen
Q 2017-09-11: Effects of ignoring technical GL.
A 2017-03-28: Side effects
A 2016-11-09: Effects
Q 2016-02-24: Nucific Bio X4- Unwanted Effects & Zero Side effects
Q 2016-01-23: Aluris Cream Want to get glowing skin without any side effects?
Q 2016-01-11: Innate Cream- Natural & Active Ingredients, No side Effects
A 2015-11-26: ... due to base effects, if nothing else.
A 2015-08-26: Does This Synagen IQ Have Any Side Effects?
A 2015-07-31: Side Effects of RockHard Male Enhancement
A 2015-03-27: What are the side-effects of L'envi Age Defying Cream?
A 2012-07-30: Causes and Effects of Vessels not arriving on Time in the Container Shippi...
A 2012-07-30: Causes and effects of unpunctual time vessel arrivals in container shipping.
A 2012-07-27: personal effects
A 2012-06-29: +fully+ responsible for subsequent negative effects
A 2012-06-29: responsible for subsequent negative effects
A 2012-06-28: as long as you keep harmful side effects to a minimum
A 2012-04-24: typo: produced its worst effects
A 2011-11-24: For effects and possible undesired consequences

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