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English-German translation for: fries
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Dictionary English German: fries

Translation 1 - 31 of 31


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NOUN   a fry | fries
VERB  to fry | fried | fried
frying | fries
SYNO   chips | french fries ... 
NOUN   der Fries | die Friese
gastr. sb. fries
jd. brät
gastr. fries [Am.] [coll.]Pommes frites {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (French) fries [esp. Am.]Pommes {pl} [ugs.]
gastr. cheese fries [Am.]Käsefritten {pl} [ugs.] [Pommes frites mit Käse (überzogen)]
gastr. cheese fries [Am.]Käsepommes {pl} [ugs.] [Pommes frites mit Käse (überzogen)]
gastr. cheese fries [Am.]Käse-Pommes {pl} [ugs.] [Pommes frites mit Käse (überzogen)]
gastr. curly fries [Am.]Spiralpommes {pl}
gastr. hist. freedom fries [Am.] [French fries]Pommes frites {pl}
gastr. French fries [Am.]Fritten {pl} [ugs.]
gastr. French fries [Am.]Pommes frites {pl}
chem. Fries rearrangementFries-Umlagerung {f}
chem. Fries rearrangementFries-Verschiebung {f}
fries stand [Am.]Frittenbude {f} [ugs.]
gastr. home fries [Am.]Bratkartoffeln {pl}
gastr. lamb friesLammhoden {pl}
gastr. shoestring fries [Am.]Strohkartoffeln {pl}
gastr. waffle fries [Am.]Waffel-Pommes {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. French fries fork [esp. Am.] [little cocktail fork given away with fries, not used in the US]Pommesgabel {f} [ugs.] [Pommes-Frites-Gabel]
gastr. French fries fork [esp. Am.] [little cocktail fork given away with fries, not used in the US]Pommes-frites-Gabel {f}
comm. gastr. French fries stall [Am.]Pommesbude {f} [ugs.]
French fries stall [Am.]Pommes-frites-Bude {f} [seltener für: Pommesbude]
French fries stall [Am.]Pommes-frites-Stand {m} [seltener für: Pommesbude]
French fries stand [Am.]Pommes-frites-Bude {f} [seltener für: Pommesbude]
gastr. sweet potato fries [Am.]Süßkartoffelpommes {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. crinkle-cut French fries [Am.]geriffelte Pommes {pl}
5+ Words: Others
gastr. Do you want fries with that? [esp. Am.]Möchten Sie Pommes dazu? [formelle Anrede]
He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. [idiom]Dem fehlen ein paar Tassen im Schrank. [Redewendung]
Would you like fries with that? [sarcastically]Sonst noch was? [ugs.] [sarkastisch]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
fish T
fish T
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A 2017-10-10: Wortgebrauch: Pizza / Pommes \ Usage: pizza / French fries
A 2016-09-24: Fries @ callixte
A 2016-09-24: In Burlington the fries are munchable. They really are.
Q 2016-01-08: Flaus [Fries]
A 2015-06-17: errm, that's what "freedom fries" have got their name from. Or am I somewh...
Q 2013-08-08: What would be the English for "Maya-Fries"? Thanks.
Q 2011-02-01: eau de French fries
A 2009-08-08: +in einem Fries+ scheint gebräuchlicher zu sein als +auf einem Fries+ - ri...
A 2009-08-08: Da vermutlich auch alle Deutschsprachigen ohne klassische Bildung (also di...
A 2009-08-02: potato chips or FRIES with lashings of ketchup and mayo -- no problem
A 2009-07-21: I remember too well a girl at an airport fries stand who refused to pronou...
A 2009-05-29: So meinte ich das auch. Ein aufgemalter Querstreifen unterhalb des Kapitel...
A 2006-09-24: Why would one want to stuff an armchair with fries?
A 2005-03-02: UK > chips; US > French fries
A 2004-12-15: if you're talking about fries

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