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English-German translation for: geometry
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Dictionary English German: geometry

Translation 1 - 50 of 101  >>

English German
NOUN1   a geometry | geometries
NOUN2   geometry | -
math. geometry
Geometrie {f}
educ. math. geometry
Raumlehre {f} [selten] [Geometrie]
2 Words: Nouns
math. absolute geometryabsolute Geometrie {f}
math. affine geometryaffine Geometrie {f}
acad. math. algebraic geometryalgebraische Geometrie {f}
math. algorithmic geometryalgorithmische Geometrie {f}
math. analytic geometryanalytische Geometrie {f}
math. analytical geometryanalytische Geometrie {f}
tech. antenna geometryAntennengeometrie {f}
math. axiomatic geometryaxiomatische Geometrie {f}
math. axiomatic geometrysynthetische Geometrie {f}
math. axle geometryAchsgeometrie {f}
hydro. channel geometryGerinnegeometrie {f}
automot. chassis geometryFahrwerksgeometrie {f}
math. circle geometryKreisgeometrie {f}
acad. math. combinatorial geometrykombinatorische Geometrie {f}
component geometryBauteilgeometrie {f}
comp. math. computational geometry <CG>algorithmische Geometrie {f} <AG>
math. contact geometryKontaktgeometrie {f}
math. convex geometryKonvexgeometrie {f}
math. coordinate geometryanalytische Geometrie {f}
math. tech. cube geometryWürfelgeometrie {f}
math. cusp geometryCusp-Geometrie {f}
math. descriptive geometrydarstellende Geometrie {f}
electr. engin. device geometryBausteingeometrie {f}
math. diagram geometry [Buekenhout geometry]Diagramm-Geometrie {f} [Buekenhout-Tits-Geometrie, Buekenhout-Geometrie]
math. differential geometryDifferentialgeometrie {f}
math. differential geometryDifferenzialgeometrie {f}
acad. math. digital geometrydigitale Geometrie {f}
acad. math. discrete geometrydiskrete Geometrie {f}
math. elementary geometryElementargeometrie {f}
math. elliptic geometryelliptische Geometrie {f}
math. epipolar geometryEpipolargeometrie {f}
math. Euclidean geometryeuklidische Geometrie {f}
math. external geometryAußengeometrie {f}
math. finite geometryendliche Geometrie {f}
math. tech. folding geometryFaltgeometrie {f}
math. fractal geometryfraktale Geometrie {f}
furnace geometryFeuerraumgeometrie {f}
tech. geometry descriptionGeometriebeschreibung {f}
math. geometry optimisation [Br.]Geometrieoptimierung {f}
math. geometry optimizationGeometrieoptimierung {f}
comp. hand geometry [biometrics]Handgeometrie {f}
math. hyperbolic geometryhyperbolische Geometrie {f}
MedTech. RadioTV image geometryBildgeometrie {f}
MedTech. imaging geometryAbbildungsgeometrie {f}
MedTech. imaging geometryAufnahmegeometrie {f} [Abbildungsgeometrie]
math. incidence geometryInzidenzgeometrie {f}
layout geometryAnordnungsgeometrie {f}
tech. magnet geometryMagnetgeometrie {f}
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A 2010-08-06: ... was extremely disadvantageous due to the building's geometry
A 2009-04-28: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_section_(geometry)
A 2008-08-27: probably: . . . ensure that geometry changes are applied to a single comp...
A 2007-07-05: ??? distribution of cuts, tools of differing geometry
A 2007-05-21: It could be descriptive geometry
A 2003-09-11: Gestaltzwang der Geometry

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