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English-German translation for: goods
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Dictionary English German: goods

Translation 1 - 50 of 1147  >>

English German
NOUN   a good [merchandise, possession] | goods
Waren {pl}
goods {pl}
Ware {f}
Güter {pl}
comm. goods {pl}
Gut {n}
comm. law goodsbewegliche Sachen {pl}
2 Words: Others
transp. heavy goods {adj} [attr.]Schwerlast-
2 Words: Verbs
to accept goodsWare abnehmen
to accept goodsWare annehmen
to accept goodsWare entgegennehmen
comm. to acquire goodsWare kaufen
comm. to advise goodsWare ankündigen
to collect goodsWaren sammeln
to confiscate goodsWaren beschlagnahmen
transp. to convey goodsspedieren
transp. to convey goodsGüter befördern
transp. to convey goodsGüter transportieren
to convey goodsWare transportieren
to declare goodsWaren deklarieren
comm. to declare goods [to customs]Waren anmelden [zur Verzollung]
to deliver goodsWaren liefern
to discharge goodsWare abstoßen
to dump goodsWare zu Dumpingpreisen auf den Markt werfen
to forward goodsWaren versenden
comm. to import goodsWare importieren
to loot goodsWaren stehlen
comm. to obtain goodsWare beziehen
to reconsign goodsWare wieder zurückschicken
to reconsign goodsWare an neue Adresse weiterschicken
to recover goodsWare bergen
to reject goodsWare beanstanden
to reject goodsWaren zurückweisen
to reject goodsdie Annahme der Ware verweigern
to release goodsWaren übergeben
comm. to sacrifice goodsWare verschleudern
to schedule goodsWaren auflisten
to schedule goodsWaren in einer Liste zusammenstellen
to seize goodsWare beschlagnahmen
to sell goodsWare verkaufen
comm. to store goodsWare lagern
comm. to tag goodsWare auszeichnen
to tax goodsWare besteuern
to test goodsWaren testen
to transport goodsWare transportieren
transp. to transport goodsWaren transportieren
to warehouse goodsWare einlagern
to warehouse goodsWare lagern
to warehouse goodsWare auf Lager nehmen
2 Words: Nouns
abandoned goods {pl}aufgegebene Ware {f}
agency goodsAgenturwaren {pl}
ascertained goodskonkrete Sachen {pl}
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A 2024-04-30: Trademark – purpose – to identify the source of the goods, to distinguish ...
A 2023-07-18: "We never sell shop-soiled goods"
A 2022-09-19: then I would say "to make arrangements" (for returning goods, for shipment...
A 2022-09-19: could it mean "to dispose of non-conforming goods" ??
A 2022-08-29: Goods will be dispatched only (no collection possible)
A 2022-03-26: The misspelling +griege goods+ gives away the all too common mispronunciat...
A 2022-03-26: Aber ACHTUNG!!! +greige goods+ bezieht sich ausschließlich auf Textilrohware!!!
A 2022-03-26: unfinished goods
Q 2021-03-04: To deliver the goods
A 2020-07-06: +WE-Nummer+ scheint +Wareneingangsnummer+ zu heißen > +incoming goods numb...
Q 2018-08-17: dry goods locker
A 2018-06-18: https://www.linguee.de/englisch-deutsch/uebersetzung/loose+goods.html
A 2018-04-16: I think it's a promotion / demonstration of goods at the point of sale (in...
A 2016-12-27: In the event of an order being placed, all the ordered goods may be manufa...
A 2016-08-24: Damaged goods
A 2016-08-23: damaged goods
Q 2016-08-23: damaged goods
Q 2016-06-22: Vertragstext: enabled goods and services
A 2016-03-10: unloading of goods at the (factory) yard / ramp (possibly)
A 2015-11-23: IMO, +Kapital+ here stands for capital goods.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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