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English-German translation for: guanosine nucleotide
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Dictionary English German: guanosine nucleotide

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

NOUN   a guanosine nucleotide | guanosine nucleotides
biochem. guanosine nucleotideGuanosin-Nukleotid {n} [auch: Guanosinnukleotid]
Partial Matches
biochem. guanosineGuanosin {n}
biochem. guanosine diphosphate <GDP>Guanosindiphosphat {n} <GDP>
biochem. guanosine monophosphate <GMP>Guanosinmonophosphat {n} <GMP>
biochem. guanosine triphosphate <GTP>Guanosintriphosphat {n} <GTP>
biochem. cyclic guanosine monophosphate <cGMP>cyclisches Guanosinmonophosphat {n} <cyclisches GMP / cyclo-GMP / cGMP>
biochem. nucleotideNucleotid {n}
biochem. nucleotideNukleotid {n}
biochem. adenine nucleotideAdeninnukleotid {n}
biochem. cyclic nucleotidezyklisches Nukleotid {n}
biochem. cytidine nucleotideCytidinnucleotid {n}
biochem. cytidine nucleotideCytidinnukleotid {n}
biochem. flavin nucleotideFlavinnucleotid {n}
biochem. nucleotide baseNukleotidbase {f}
biochem. nucleotide bindingNukleotidbindung {f}
biochem. biol. nucleotide changeNucleotidveränderung {f} [auch: Nukleotidveränderung]
biochem. nucleotide compositionNukleotidzusammensetzung {f}
biochem. nucleotide degradationNukleotid-Abbau {m} [auch: Nukleotidabbau]
biochem. nucleotide exchangeNukleotidaustausch {m}
biochem. nucleotide frequencyNukleotidfrequenz {f}
biochem. nucleotide frequencyNukleotidhäufigkeit {f}
biochem. nucleotide insertionNukleotid-Insertion {f}
biochem. nucleotide metabolismNucleotidstoffwechsel {m} [auch: Nucleotid-Stoffwechsel]
biochem. nucleotide metabolismNukleotidstoffwechsel {m} [auch: Nukleotid-Stoffwechsel]
biochem. nucleotide pairNukleotidpaar {n} [auch: Nukleotid-Paar]
biochem. nucleotide positionNukleotidposition {f}
biochem. nucleotide sequenceBasensequenz {f}
biochem. nucleotide sequenceNukleotidabfolge {f}
biochem. nucleotide sequenceNukleotidsequenz {f}
biochem. nucleotide sequencesBasensequenzen {pl}
biochem. nucleotide sequencesNukleotidsequenzen {pl}
biol. nucleotide substitutionNukleotidsubstitution {f}
biochem. nucleotide synthesisNukleotidsynthese {f}
biochem. nucleotide variationNukleotidvariation {f} [auch: Nucleotidvariation]
biochem. purine nucleotidePurinnukleotid {n}
biochem. pyrimidine nucleotidePyrimidinnukleotid {n}
biochem. thymidine nucleotideThymidinnukleotid {n}
biochem. uridine nucleotideUridinnukleotid {n}
biochem. diphosphopyridine nucleotide <DPN>Diphosphopyridinnukleotid {n} <DPN>
biochem. triphosphopyridine nucleotide <TPN>Triphosphopyridinnukleotid {n} <TPN>
biochem. nucleotide building blockNukleotidbaustein {m} [auch: Nukleotid-Baustein]
biochem. nucleotide-binding siteNukleotidbindestelle {f}
biochem. nucleotide-binding siteNukleotidbindungsstelle {f}
biochem. cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase <cNPDE>zyklische Nukleotid-Phosphodiesterase {f} <CNP>
biol. nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase <NMNAT>Nicotinamidnukleotid-Adenylyltransferase {f} <NMNAT>
biochem. nucleotide exchange factor <NEF>Nukleotidaustauschfaktor {m}
biochem. nucleotide exchange factors <NEFs>Nukleotidaustauschfaktoren {pl}
biochem. single nucleotide polymorphism <SNP>einzelner Nukleotidpolymorphismus {m} <SNP>
biochem. guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor <GDI>Guaninnukleotid-Dissoziations-Inhibitor {m} <GDI>
biochem. guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors <GDIs>Guaninnukleotid-Dissoziations-Inhibitoren {pl} <GDI>
biochem. guanine nucleotide exchange factor <GNEF>Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktor {m}
biochem. guanine nucleotide exchange factors <GNEFs>Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktoren {pl}
biochem. guanine nucleotide-binding protein <GNBP>Guaninnukleotid-bindendes Protein {n} <GNBP>
biochem. guanine nucleotide-binding proteins <GNBPs>Guaninnukleotid-bindende Proteine {pl} <GNBP>
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