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English-German translation for: hand in one's resignation
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Dictionary English German: hand in one's resignation

Translation 1 - 50 of 53197  >>

Keywords contained
pol. to hand in one's resignationseinen Rücktritt einreichen
to hand in one's notice / resignationdemissionieren [schweiz.]
to hand in one's notice / resignationdie Kündigung einreichen
Partial Matches
to cup one's chin in one's handdas Kinn in die Hand stützen
to carry sth. in one's handetw. in der Hand tragen
to keep one's hand in [idiom]in Übung bleiben
to keep one's hand in [idiom]nicht aus der Übung kommen
to throw in one's hand [idiom]sich geschlagen geben
signed in one's own hand {adj} {past-p}eigenhändig unterzeichnet
to hold nicely in one's handgut in der Hand liegen
to announce one's resignationseinen Rücktritt bekanntgeben
admin. pol. to tender one's resignationdas Abschiedsgesuch einreichen
to tender one's resignationseine Kündigung einreichen
admin. pol. to tender one's resignationseinen Abschied nehmen
pol. to tender one's resignationseinen Rücktritt einreichen
in the hollow of one's handin der hohlen Hand
to put one's hand in front of one's mouthsichDat. die Hand vorhalten
to have / hold sb. in the palm of one's hand [idiom]jdn. fest im Griff haben [fig.] [z. B. das Publikum] [Redewendung]
to have / hold sb. in the palm of one's hand [idiom]jdn. voll unter Kontrolle haben
to put one's hand over one's mouth (in response to sth.)sichDat. (bei etw.) die Hand vorhalten
Unverified play one's handdie Karten auf den Tisch legen [Redewendung]
to clench one's handeine Faust machen
to cup one's handeine hohle Hand machen
educ. to raise one's handaufstrecken [schweiz.] [die Hand heben]
educ. to raise one's handaufzeigen [österr.] [sonst regional] [sich melden]
to raise one's handdie Hand heben
to raise one's handsich (zu Wort) melden
to scratch one's handsichDat. die Hand zerkratzen
to wave one's handmit der Hand winken
to withdraw one's handdie Hand zurückziehen
to overplay one's hand [idiom]den Bogen überspannen [Redewendung] [es übertreiben]
to overplay one's hand [idiom]es übertreiben
to overplay one's hand [idiom]zu hoch pokern [fig.]
by one's own hand {adv}eigenhändig
with one's left hand {adv}mit der linken Hand
to hand out one's opinionseine Meinung abgeben
to hand over one's powersKompetenz übertragen
to put out one's handdie Hand ausstrecken
to reach out one's handseine Hand ausstrecken
to stretch out one's handseine Hand ausstrecken
anat. back of one's handHandrücken {m}
anat. backs of one's handHandrücken {pl}
to raise one's hand [about to strike](mit der Hand) ausholen [um jdn. zu schlagen]
games to show one's hand [also fig.]seine Karten aufdecken [auch fig.]
to raise one's hand against sb.gegen jdn. die Hand erheben
to run one's hand over sth.die Hand über etw. hingleiten lassen
to set one's hand to sth.an etw. Hand anlegen
games to clear one's hand of heartsdie Herzkarten loswerden
to try one's hand at writingschriftstellern
to tip one's hand [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]sich verraten
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