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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: heart protecting
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: heart protecting

Translation 1 - 50 of 1071  >>

med. heart-protecting {adj}herzschützend
Partial Matches
-protecting {suffix}-schonend
protecting {adj} {pres-p}behütend
protecting {adj} {pres-p}protektierend
protecting {adj} {pres-p}schützend
protectingSchutz {m} [das Schützen]
all-protecting {adj}alles beschützend
med. health protecting {adj}gesundheitsschützend
non-protecting {adj}nicht schützend
self-protecting {adj}selbstschützend
tech. protecting capSchutzkappe {f}
tech. protecting envelopeSchutzhülle {f}
chem. protecting groupSchutzgruppe {f}
pol. protecting powerSchutzmacht {f}
protecting ribScheuerleiste {f}
tech. protecting stripSchutzstreifen {m}
worth protecting {adj} [postpos.]schützenswert
hand protecting gripHandschutz {m}
pol. protecting power mandateSchutzmachtmandat {n}
ecol. protecting the environment {adj} [postpos.]umweltschützend
FireResc fire protecting and fighting equipment {sg}Brandschutz- und Feuerbekämpfungsgeräte {pl}
to hold a protecting hand over sb./sth.eine schützende Hand über jdn./etw. halten
to have a heart-to-heart with sb. [idiom]sichAkk. mit jdm. ausquatschen [ugs.]
heart-to-heart (conversation)aufrichtiges Gespräch {n}
heart-to-heart talkoffene Aussprache {f}
heart-to-heart talkoffenes Gespräch {n} [Dialog]
mus. F Yours is My Heart Alone / Yours is My Entire Heart / You Are My Heart's Delight [from The Land of Smiles, F. Lehár]Dein ist mein ganzes Herz [aus Das Land des Lächelns, Franz Lehár]
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
anat. heartCor {n}
heartHerze {n} [dichter.] [veraltet] [Herz]
heartInnerstes {n}
heart {adj} [attr.]Herz-
heart [center]Mittelpunkt {m} [Kern]
anat. heart [Cor]Herz {n}
heart [courage]Courage {f} [ugs.] [Beherztheit]
heart [fig.]Herzstück {n} [fig.]
heart [fig.]Kern {m} [einer Sache]
heart [fig.]Kernstück {n}
at heart {adv}im Herzen
by heart {adv}aus dem Kopf [auswendig]
by heart {adv}auswendig
heart-capturing {adj}herzergreifend
heart-healthy {adj}herzgesund
heart-melting {adj}herzerweichend
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