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English-German translation for: heck!
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Dictionary English German: heck

Translation 1 - 32 of 32


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NOUN   heck | -
NOUN   das Heck | die Hecks/Hecke
Heck, ... [expressing surprise, frustration, or dismay]
Verdammt, ... [salopp] [bei Verwunderung od. Missfallen]
heck [euphemism]
[Euphemismus für "hell" - Hölle]
2 Words: Others
Oh heck!Au, Backe! [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
textil. heck boxKatze {f} [Zettelmaschine]
chem. Heck reactionHeck-Reaktion {f}
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]Heck-Krankheit {f} [fokale epitheliale Hyperplasie]
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]Heck'sche Krankheit {f}
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]hecksche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Heck]
3 Words: Others
What the heck ...? [coll.] [idiom]Was zum Henker ...? [ugs.] [zum Teufel] [Redewendung]
What the heck! [coll.] [idiom]Wen kümmert's!
What the heck! [idiom] [expressing frustration]Egal! [Was soll's!]
What the heck! [idiom] [expressing frustration]Was soll's! [Ausruf der Resignation]
What the heck! [idiom] [expressing frustration]Was solls! [Ausruf der Resignation]
What the heck? <WTH> [coll.] [idiom]Was zum Kuckuck? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
What the heck? <WTH> [coll.] [idiom]Was zum Teufel? [Redewendung]
4 Words: Others
idiom The heck with it!Was soll's!
To heck with it! [idiom]Zum Kuckuck! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom Who (in) the heck ...?Wer zum Kuckuck ...?
5+ Words: Others
It annoys the heck out of me! [coll.] [idiom]Es geht mir sowas von auf den Sack! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
just for the heck of it {adv} [coll.] [idiom]einfach nur so [ugs.]
What the heck / hell does that mean? <WTHDTM > [coll.]Was zum Kuckuck / Teufel soll das bedeuten? [ugs.]
Where in the heck was she? [coll.]Wo war sie denn (nur)?
5+ Words: Verbs
to do a heck of a job [coll.]eine Aufgabe hervorragend lösen
to do a heck of a job [coll.]seine Sache gut machen
to do a heck of a job [coll.]seine Sache super machen [ugs.]
to do a heck of a job [coll.]einen verdammt guten Job machen [ugs.]
to not give a heck about sth. [coll.] [idiom]sichAkk. den Teufel um etw.Akk. scheren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to scare the heck out of sb.jdm. einen gehörigen Schrecken einjagen
5+ Words: Nouns
heck of a lot of effort [coll.]Heidenaufwand {m} [ugs.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
agr. zool. T
agr. zool. T
zool. T
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A 2020-04-13: Also +(just) for the heck of it+ https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/fo...
A 2014-02-24: "But, heck, it's facebook"...Haha, Word! ;)
Q 2013-05-22: raising heck
A 2012-06-08: How the heck/hell should I know?
A 2011-10-23: What/Where/Why the heck ...
A 2011-03-06: Heck / Schwanz
A 2011-03-06: Wie bei Schiffen, oder? Bug und Heck.
Q 2011-02-27: Egal / Scheißegal / Wen kümmert's ----> What the heck! (what the heck???)
Q 2011-01-27: "sexecuted" -- what the heck does that mean?! Thank you all so much for an...
A 2011-01-06: Der Begriff Heck bezeichnet den hinteren Teil eines Schiffes, Autos, Flugz...
A 2010-03-29: Das gibt's doch gar nicht! > Flippin' heck!, Can't believe it!
A 2010-03-21: Where the heck is ... ?
A 2010-02-05: Just for the heck of it :-)
A 2010-01-27: well, heck...
A 2010-01-24: "heck of a" ist ein gängiger Euphemismus für "hell of a"
Q 2010-01-24: "one heck of a handle"
A 2009-09-05: Ja, das hat es (Heck reaction)
A 2009-07-01: Why the heck do you care for the marital matters of your politicians?
Q 2009-05-07: How the heck did I end up with -15 audio entries?
A 2009-03-27: What the heck!? Look at those glasses!!!

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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