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English-German translation for: her two (pet) dogs
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Dictionary English German: her two pet dogs

Translation 1 - 50 of 2379  >>

her two (pet) dogsihre beiden Hunde {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular]
Partial Matches
his three pet dogsseine drei Hunde {pl}
idiom to have two inches on her / him5 Zentimeter größer sein als sie / er
She had two sons by her first husband.Sie hatte zwei Söhne von ihrem ersten Ehemann.
MedTech. fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography <fluorodeoxyglucose PET, FDG-PET>Fluordeoxyglukose-Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie {f} <Fluordeoxyglukose-PET, FDG-PET>
MedTech. fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography <fluorodeoxyglucose PET, FDG-PET>Fluordeoxyglukose-Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie {f} <Fluordeoxyglukose-PET, FDG-PET>
entom. T
zool. T
Hunde {pl}
zool. brachycephalic dogsbrachyzephale Hunde {pl}
hunting zool. hunting dogsJagdhunde {pl}
puppy dogsHunderl {pl} [südd.] [österr.]
zool. she-dogsHündinnen {pl}
zool. sheep dogsSchäferhunde {pl}
sledge dogsSchlittenhunde {pl}
stray dogsStraßenhunde {pl}
street dogsStraßenhunde {pl}
zool. T
zool. T
gastr. hot dogs [sausages]warme / heiße Würstchen {pl}
astron. Hunting Dogs [constellation]Jagdhunde {pl} [lat. Canes Venatici] <CVn> [Sternbild]
psych. Pavlov's dogsPawlow'sche Hunde {pl}
psych. Pavlov's dogspawlowsche Hunde {pl}
psych. Pavlov's dogsPawlowsche Hunde {pl} [alt]
sled dogs [Am.]Schlittenhunde {pl}
hunting to bait with dogsmit Hunden hetzen
barking of dogsHundegebell {n}
baying of dogsHundegebell {n}
fin. cats and dogsverrufene spekulative Wertpapiere {pl}
VetMed. diabetes in dogsDiabetes {m} bei Hunden
VetMed. diabetes in dogsHundediabetes {m}
import of dogsEinfuhr {f} von Hunden
keeping of dogsHundehaltung {f}
VetMed. neutering of dogsHundekastration {f}
zool. pack of dogsHunderudel {n}
VetMed. piroplasmosis in dogsBabesiose {f} des Hundes [Hundepiroplasmose]
VetMed. rabies in dogsHundswut {f} [veraltet]
law smuggling of dogsHundeschmuggel {m}
team of dogsHundegespann {n}
transp. transport of dogsHundetransport {m}
transp. transportation of dogsHundetransport {m}
zool. T
hunting zool. water dogs [hunting dogs]Wasserhunde {pl} [Jagdhunde]
law Dangerous Dogs Act [Br.]Kampfhundegesetz {n} [ugs.]
geogr. Isle of Dogs [London]Hundeinsel {f}
proverb Barking dogs never bite.Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht.
proverb Barking dogs seldom bite.Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht.
proverb Let sleeping dogs lie.Schlafende Hunde soll man nicht wecken.
idiom to let sleeping dogs liekeine schlafenden Hunde wecken
bike bicycle trailer for dogsFahrradanhänger {m} für Hunde
VetMed. demodectic mange in dogsDemodikose {f} beim Hund
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