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English-German translation for: her voluptuously curved body
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Dictionary English German: her voluptuously curved body

Translation 1 - 50 of 2013  >>

her voluptuously curved bodyihr üppig geformter Körper {m}
Partial Matches
There's no bad bone in her body. [coll.]An ihr ist kein Arg. [geh.]
voluptuously {adv}aufreizend
voluptuously {adv}ausschweifend
voluptuously {adv}hingebungsvoll [sinnlich, z. B. Kuss]
voluptuously {adv}lüstern
voluptuously {adv}sinnlich
voluptuously {adv}wollüstig
curved {adj}bogenförmig
curved {adj} {past-p}gebogen
curved {adj} {past-p}gekrümmt
curved {adj}gekurvt
curved {adj} {past-p}gerundet
curved {adj} {past-p}geschweift
curved {adj}geschwungen
curved {adj} {past-p}gewölbt
curved {adj} {past-p}gewunden
curved {adj}krumm
tech. curved {adj}kurvenförmig
curved {adj} {past-p}verkrümmt
curved inwards {adj} {past-p}nach innen gebogen
curved left {adj} {past-p}nach links gebogen [z. B. medizinische Instrumente]
curved out {adj} {past-p}nach außen gebogen
curved right {adj} {past-p}nach rechts gebogen [z. B. medizinische Instrumente]
curved up {adj} {past-p}aufgebogen [z. B. medizinische Instrumente]
elegantly curved {adj}elegant geschwungen
high-curved {adj} {past-p}hochgewölbt
moderately curved {adj} {past-p}mäßig gebogen
partly curved {adj}teilweise gebogen
slightly curved {adj}leicht gebogen [z. B. medizinisches Instrumentarium]
strongly curved {adj}stark gebogen [z. B. medizinisches Instrumentarium]
curved bladeMulchmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
curved bladeSichelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
curved bladeSpatenmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
print curved bracketsgeschweifte Klammern {pl}
curved bracketsrunde Klammern {pl}
curved brushRundbürste {f}
MedTech. curved cassetteSattelkassette {f}
hist. mus. curved cornettkrummer Zink {m}
weapons curved daggerKrummdolch {m}
dance curved feathergekurvte Feder {f} [Slowfox, Foxtrott]
dance curved feathergekurvter Federschritt {m} [Slowfox, Foxtrott]
curved handlegebogener Griff {m}
curved knifegekrümmtes Messer {n}
curved layergekrümmte Schicht {f}
curved linegekrümmte Linie {f}
curved lineKurve {f}
optics phys. curved mirrorgekrümmter Spiegel {m}
curved panelgekrümmte Schale {f}
tech. curved partWölbung {f}
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