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English-German translation for: i.
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Dictionary English German: i

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PRON  I | me | my [adj]/mine [pron] ... 
NOUN   an I | Is
NOUN1   das I | die I/[ugs.] Is
NOUN2   das i | die i/[ugs.] is
I {pron}
i.e. [id est]
sprich [nämlich, also, das heißt]
I {pron}
i [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
I {pron}ick [bes. berlinerisch: ich]
I {pron}icke [bes. berlinerisch] [ich]
i.e. [id est]i. e. [lat. id est, veraltend: d. h., das heißt]
I'd [I had]ich hatte
I'd [I would]ich würde
I'll [I will / shall]ich werde
I'm [I am]ich bin
I'mma [sl.] [I'm going to]ich werde
I've [coll.] [I have]ich hab [ugs.] [ich habe]
imma [sl.] [I'm going to]ich werde
chem. iodine <I>
Jod {n} <I>
IOU <I owe you>
Schuldschein {m}
chem. iodine <I>
Iod {n} <I> [fachspr.]
games Magus <I> [also: magus] [Tarot card]
Magier {n} <I> [Tarotkarte]
biochem. isoleucine <Ile, I> [C6H13NO2]
Isoleucin {n} <Ile, I>
relig. Baha'iBahaismus {m}
relig. Bahá'í [followers of Bahá'í faith]Bahai {pl}
relig. Camillians <M.I.>Kamillianer {pl}
geogr. Hawai'i [Hawaii]Hawai'i {n} [Hawaii]
ling. print i [letter]i {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print I [letter]I {n} [Buchstabe]
zool. T
games Juggler <I> [also: juggler] [Tarot card]Magier {n} <I> [Tarotkarte]
games Magician <I> [also: magician] [Tarot card]Magier {n} <I> [Tarotkarte]
2 Words: Others
for instance {adv} <f.i.>beispielhalber
for instance {adv} <f.i.>beispielshalber
for instance {adv} <f.i.>beispielsweise <bspw.>
for instance {adv} <f.i.>zum Beispiel <z. B.>
for instance {adv} <f.i.>zum Exempel [veraltend]
I agree.Stimmt.
I agree.Ich bin einverstanden.
I agree.Sie haben recht. [formelle Anrede]
I agree.Sie haben Recht. [formelle Anrede]
I agree.Das sehe ich auch so.
I am.Ich bin.
I believeich glaube
I believeick gloob [bes. berlinerisch: ich glaube]
I believe.Ick gloobe. [bes. berlinerisch: ich glaube]
I bet!Wetten!
I bet! [coll.]Das glaub ich dir gern! [ugs.]
I concur!Meine Rede! [ugs.]
I daresayIch möchte sagen [wage zu behaupten]
I daresay ...Ich könnte mir denken ...
I daresay ...Ich wage zu sagen ...
I did. [answering the question WHO did sth.]Ich war's. [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. getan hat]
I did. [answering the question WHO did sth.]Das war ich. [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. getan hat]
I disagree.Das finde ich nicht. [Da bin ich anderer Meinung.]
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A 2024-10-06: I don't know about the EN. Thirtieth regulation?? German explanation:
A 2024-10-02: Thanks, Uffieee. I understand the examples given in the link. Can you expl...
A 2024-09-11: @ newcallas:I see your point. Something with +Geduld+ might work,
Q 2024-09-10: I need help translating something in relation to cosco
A 2024-09-05: Okay, I see, interesting, aphoenix. So you can imagine to use the phrase i...
A 2024-09-05: Yes. Just wondering as as this translation "Dich/Euch" is given for "May I...
Q 2024-08-17: I've seen him run.
A 2024-08-10: I agree with Cameron-Coombe
Q 2024-06-28: How or when should I write hyphens?
A 2024-06-22: R.I.P.
A 2024-06-12: I see your point, Hefla.
A 2024-06-06: I agree with sfl. We can re-enter it.
A 2024-05-26: I think German word order
A 2024-05-25: This is why I say,
A 2024-04-18: I do. But in this case, there's no real evidence that it's purely American...
Q 2024-04-18: I'm lost on the apparently double function of "von" in this sentence
A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th...
A 2024-04-01: I agree with Aliheret
A 2024-03-16: @ Windfall: I think "assertiveness" is a better word
Q 2024-03-14: I cannot figure out the words.

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