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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: ignoring
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: ignoring

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
NOUN   ignoring | -
VERB  to ignore | ignored | ignored
ignoring | ignores
ignoring {adj} {pres-p}
ignoring {adj} {pres-p}übergehend
ignoring {adj}nicht beachtend
ignoring {adj}sich hinwegsetzend
ignoringIgnorierung {f}
ignoring a problemProblemverweigerung {f}
ignoring the problemProblemverweigerung {f}
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A 2017-10-19: 16:22 As to ignoring arguments, it is a matter of carefully reading the wh...
Q 2017-09-11: Effects of ignoring technical GL.
A 2017-06-17: For instance, +text supplement must be dealt with+ (rather than ignoring it)
A 2013-09-23: If it's not usual in German, then I agree, deleting/ignoring it is probabl...
A 2011-11-15: they're/you're ignoring the floor to ceiling mirrored wall
A 2010-04-28: Usual or standard? (ignoring berufs altogether)
A 2010-04-19: Wouldn't this mean talking to a person while ignoring a third person?
A 2009-05-27: But ignoring what sounds better
A 2008-07-14: brilliant...thought you were ignoring me there...:-
A 2008-04-21: She punished her by ignoring her.
A 2008-02-17: not take into account / ignoring / take no notice of / close their eyes to...
Q 2007-09-26: I can't believe Kornelius is ignoring me (smollen)
A 2007-08-19: it doesnt specify...they talk of whispering, but also ignoring
A 2007-03-20: a definition ignoring all boundaries? beyond any boundaries?
A 2007-02-25: what??? ignoring you??? never!!
A 2007-02-25: ok, so you're ignoring me because of some perceived iniquity
A 2007-02-13: Ignoring Spiderman -
Q 2006-12-26: Ignoring the sense of these sentences
A 2006-08-04: yikes, that's even worse than ignoring us. Poor boy, seems to have some se...
A 2006-02-04: thanks...for putting it straight (I was ignoring the noch)

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