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English-German translation for: in Schale werfen
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Dictionary English German: in Schale werfen

Translation 1 - 50 of 14243  >>

VERB   sich in Schale werfen | warf sich in Schale/sich in Schale warf | sich in Schale geworfen
SYNO   [sich] in Schale werfen [ugs.] ... 
Keywords contained
to be putting on the Ritz [coll.] [idiom]sich in Schale werfen [ugs.]
to doll oneself up [coll.]sich in Schale werfen [ugs.]
to get dressed upsich in Schale werfen [ugs.]
to glam up [coll.]sich in Schale werfen [ugs.]
to spruce oneself up [coll.]sich in Schale werfen [ugs.]
to adorn oneselfsichAkk. in Schale werfen [ugs.]
to get dolled up [coll.]sichAkk. in Schale werfen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to dress upsichAkk. in Schale werfen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich fein machen]
Partial Matches
to get dressed upsich in Schale schmeißen [ugs.]
to put on one's best bib and tucker [Br.] [idiom] [dated] [hum.]sich in Schale schmeißen [ugs.]
to arrange fruits on a dishFrüchte in einer Schale anordnen
to be dolled up [coll.]in Schale sein [ugs.] [fig.] [gut angezogen]
cloth. to dress (up) to the nines [coll.] [idiom]sichAkk. in Schale schmeißen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get dolled up [coll.]sichAkk. in Schale schmeißen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be dressed (up) to the nines [idiom]ganz groß in Schale sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
proverb Beneath that rough exterior (there) beats a heart of gold.In seiner rauen Schale steckt ein guter Kern.
to get dressed up for the occasionsich für diesen Anlass in Schale schmeißen [ugs.]
to cast to the windin den Wind werfen
to throw upin die Höhe werfen
idiom to lump togetherin einen Topf werfen
to throw oneself into a posesich in Positur werfen
to trash sth. [Am.] [coll.] [throw away]etw. in den Müll werfen
idiom to put sth. in the balanceetw. in die Waagschale werfen
cloth. to dress oneself upsichAkk. in Staat werfen
idiom to measure everything by the same yardstickalles in einen Topf werfen
idiom to throw oneself into the breachsich in die Bresche werfen
idiom to puff oneself upsich in die Brust werfen
to peep into sth. [take a short look into]einen Blick in etw.Akk. werfen
to introduce sth. into the debateetw.Akk. in die Debatte werfen
to throw back one's headden Kopf in den Nacken werfen
to take a look in the mirroreinen Blick in den Spiegel werfen
to throw one's hat in / into the ring [idiom]seinen Hut in den Ring werfen [Redewendung]
to whip one's clothes on [coll.] [idiom]sich in seine Kleider werfen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to lump A (in) with BA und B in einen Topf werfen [Redewendung]
idiom to dip into the past [for having a look]einen (kurzen) Blick in / auf die Vergangenheit werfen
to deploy all one's skill [fig.]sein ganzes Können in die Waagschale werfen [Redewendung]
to bring all one's authority to bear [fig.]seine ganze Autorität in die Waagschale werfen [fig.]
to dip into sth. [book, magazine etc.]einen Blick in etw.Akk. werfen [Buch, Magazin etc.]
to throw sb. into the same pot with somebody else [idiom]jdn. mit jemand anders in einen Topf werfen [Redewendung]
to throw oneself into the arms of sb. [also fig.]sichAkk. jdm. in die Arme werfen [auch fig.]
idiom to start enjoying lifesich dem Vergnügen in die Arme werfen [hum.] [ugs.]
to risk one's life (for sb./sth.)sein Leben (für jdn./etw.) in die Schanze werfen [Redewendung]
biol. carapaceSchale {f}
bot. podSchale {f}
gastr. rind [of fruit]Schale {f}
audio tech. shellSchale {f}
cloth. scarvesSchale {pl}
peelSchale {f} [abgeschält]
chem. phys. shell [atom]Schale {f} [Atom]
dent. traySchale {f} [Dental]
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