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English-German translation for: incentives
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Dictionary English German: incentives

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
NOUN   an incentive | incentives
NOUN   das Incentive | die Incentives
Fördergelder {pl}
Antriebe {pl}
psych. incentives
Anreize {pl}
2 Words
better incentivesstärkerer Anreiz {m}
econ. economic incentivesAnreize {pl} zu einer wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit
econ. jobs employment incentivesBeschäftigungsanreize {pl}
employment incentivesMaßnahmen {pl} zur Stärkung der Beschäftigung
comm. export incentivesExportanreize {pl}
export incentivesExportvergünstigungen {pl}
econ. fin. fiscal incentivessteuerliche Anreize {pl}
group incentivesGruppenbonus {m}
performance incentivesLeistungsanreize {pl}
econ. fin. tax incentivesSteueranreize {pl}
tax incentivesSteuerbegünstigungen {pl}
tax incentivesSteuererleichterungen {pl}
econ. fin. tax incentivessteuerliche Anreize {pl}
3 Words
incentives for companiesAnreiz {m} für Unternehmen
comm. market. incentives to buyKaufanreize {pl}
4 Words
to give tax incentives for sth.etw. steuerlich fördern
fin. insider bid-ask incentivesInsider-Umsatzanreize {pl}
5+ Words
incentives to spend the funds wiselyAnreize {pl} zum wirtschaftlichen Einsatz der Mittel
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A 2014-11-12: So: "incentives to spend the funds wisely?"
A 2013-07-08: hier im Sinne von Antrieben: incentives, stimuli
Q 2012-04-05: if the government gave further incentives to give up smoking , the number ...
A 2011-07-06: "incentives"?
A 2010-05-16: incentives of welfare ?
A 2009-09-19: Negative incentives
A 2009-03-04: needs(-based) economy, profit-based economy, economic incentives/stimuli
A 2008-07-31: offers incentives?
Q 2008-05-19: low-powered incentives
A 2008-02-10: incentives
A 2007-12-20: Ist hier vielleicht 'incentives/incentive schemes' gemeint?
Q 2007-08-25: pain & gain incentives (für Lieferanten von technischen Bauteilen)
A 2007-06-24: depending on further context it could also be "investment incentives"
Q 2005-08-17: incentives

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incentive effect
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incentive operator
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• incentives
incentive scheme
incentives for companies
incentives to buy
incentive structure
incentive system
incentive system of wages
incentive time
incentive to buy
incentive to invest
incentive to pay in cash

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