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English-German translation for: incoming
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Dictionary English German: incoming

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

English German
ADJ   incoming | - | -
NOUN   incoming | incomings
SYNO   entering | entrance | entry ... 
incoming {adj}
eingehend [hereinkommend]
incoming {adj}
incoming {adj} [also fig.]
eintretend [auch fig.]
incoming {adj}
incoming {adj}
incoming {adj} [succeeding] [officeholder, administration]
nachfolgend [Amtsträger, Regierung]
incoming {adj} [train, road vehicle]einfahrend
incoming {adj} [e.g. minister](neu) ins Amt gekommen / kommend [z. B. Minister]
2 Words: Nouns
sports incoming ballherankommender Ball {m}
phys. incoming beamEingangsstrahl {m}
telecom. incoming call(eingehender) Anruf {m}
telecom. incoming callankommendes Telefongespräch {n}
telecom. incoming calleingehendes Gespräch {n}
electr. telecom. incoming circuitankommende Leitung {f}
incoming controlEingangskontrolle {f} [Waren]
incoming dataEingangsdaten {pl}
incoming exchangeseingehende Schecks {pl}
mil. incoming firefeindliches Feuer {n} [feindlicher Beschuss der eigenen Stellung]
comm. incoming freightEingangsfracht {f}
incoming goodsAnlieferungen {pl}
incoming goods {pl}Eingangsware {f}
incoming inspectionEingangsprüfung {f}
incoming invoiceEingangsrechnung {f}
incoming invoicesEingangsrechnungen {pl}
incoming invoiceseingehende Rechnungen {pl}
incoming letters {pl} [collectively]eingehende Post {f}
tech. incoming linezugehende Leitung {f}
incoming mailEingangspost {f}
incoming mailPosteingang {m}
incoming maileingehende Post {f}
incoming mail {sg}Eingänge {pl} [eingegangene Post]
comm. incoming merchandiseeingehende Ware {f}
incoming messageankommende Nachricht {f}
incoming messageeingehende Nachricht {f}
pol. incoming ministerfrischgebackener Minister {m} [ugs.]
pol. incoming ministerneu ins Amt gekommener Minister {m}
incoming orderAuftragseingang {m}
comm. incoming ordereingehender Auftrag {m}
comm. incoming ordersAuftragseingänge {pl}
comm. incoming orders [for goods and services]Bestelleingang {m}
comm. incoming orders {pl}Auftragseingang {m}
incoming paperangeliefertes Papier {n}
comm. incoming paymentsZahlungseingänge {pl}
incoming soundeingehender Schall {m}
comm. incoming stocksWarenzugänge {pl}
incoming telexEingangstelex {n}
RealEst. incoming tenanteinziehender Mieter {m}
incoming textankommender Text {m}
incoming text [text message]eingehende Nachricht {f} [z. B. SMS, Textnachricht]
naut. incoming tideauflaufende Flut {f}
traffic incoming trafficankommender Verkehr {m}
incoming waveankommende Welle {f}
incoming waveeinfallende Welle {f}
phys. incoming waveeinlaufende Welle {f}
incoming waveeintreffende Welle {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to screen incoming callseingehende Anrufe filtern
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. meteo. (incoming) shortwave radiationGlobalstrahlung {f}
electr. incoming feeder cubicleEinspeisefeld {n}
econ. incoming goods controlWareneingangskontrolle {f}
comm. incoming goods departmentWarenannahme {f} [Annahmestelle]
ind. incoming goods inspection <IGI>Wareneingangsprüfung {f} <WEP>
incoming post bookPosteingangsbuch {n}
vertical incoming beamsenkrecht einfallender Strahl {m}
mil. weapons whistling incoming shellheranorgelnde Granate {f}
4 Words: Others
naut. with the incoming tide {adv}mit der Flut
4 Words: Nouns
telecom. incoming and outgoing linesankommende und abgehende Leitungen {pl}
inspection of incoming componentsWareneingangsprüfung {f} von Bauteilen
processing of incoming mailBearbeitung {f} der Eingangspost
5+ Words: Nouns
ind. incoming goods inspection and testingWareneingangsprüfung {f}
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A 2020-07-06: +WE-Nummer+ scheint +Wareneingangsnummer+ zu heißen > +incoming goods numb...
A 2019-06-06: incoming mail
A 2018-08-08: incoming
A 2018-08-08: incoming
Q 2015-10-19: incoming
A 2013-11-11: Wenn es sich um die Störungsmeldung handelt, ist incoming OK.
A 2012-04-16: Yes, 'incoming' is synonymous with 'inbound' in this context.
A 2012-04-16: Incoming
A 2011-06-21: records of incoming/ outgoing data
A 2011-02-16: anticipated number of incoming carriages and goods wagons (UK) / of incomi...
A 2010-09-03: we use "incoming inspection"
A 2009-08-22: incoming fire
A 2009-08-22: incoming
A 2009-08-22: "by incoming in" doesn't make sense. Is there a word missing?
A 2009-08-22: outgoing fire > Eigenbeschuss, incoming fire > Fremdbeschuss
Q 2009-08-22: Outgoing / Incoming fire
A 2009-06-18: ? incoming mail stamp function
Q 2009-04-26: Not surprisingly, this call to put a bit of regulatory stick about the pl...
A 2009-03-19: can listen to incoming messages
A 2008-06-16: just found 'register for incoming/outgoing mail in admin. law' for Heft.

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incoming feeder cubicle
incoming fire

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