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English-German translation for: infrastructure
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Dictionary English German: infrastructure

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NOUN   an infrastructure | infrastructures
SYNO   base | infrastructure | infrastructure ... 
Infrastruktur {f}
2 Words: Nouns
agr. agricultural infrastructurelandwirtschaftliche Infrastruktur {f}
aviat. airport infrastructureFlughafeninfrastruktur {f}
mil. army infrastructureHeeresinfrastruktur {f}
basic infrastructureGrundinfrastruktur {f}
automot. charging infrastructureLadeinfrastruktur {f}
civilian infrastructurezivile Infrastruktur {f}
fin. clearing infrastructureClearing-Infrastruktur {f} [auch: Clearinginfrastruktur]
comp. Internet cloud infrastructureCloud-Infrastruktur {f}
comm. econ. commercial infrastructureHandelsinfrastruktur {f}
comm. commercial infrastructurekommerzielle Infrastruktur {f}
communications infrastructureKommunikationsinfrastruktur {f}
admin. econ. pol. critical infrastructurekritische Infrastruktur {f}
critical infrastructure {sg}kritische Infrastrukturen {pl} <KRITIS>
bike transp. urban cycling infrastructureVeloinfrastruktur {f} [schweiz.]
econ. distribution infrastructureVerteilungsinfrastruktur {f}
econ. distribution infrastructureVertriebsinfrastruktur {f}
educ. education infrastructureBildungslandschaft {f}
educ. sociol. educational infrastructureBildungslandschaft {f}
electr. electrical infrastructure [also: electric infrastructure]Strominfrastruktur {f}
electr. electricity infrastructureElektrizitätsinfrastruktur {f}
electr. electricity infrastructureStrominfrastruktur {f}
emergency infrastructureNot-Infrastruktur {f}
energy infrastructureEnergieinfrastruktur {f}
med. healthcare infrastructureGesundheitsinfrastruktur {f}
med. hospital infrastructureSpitalinfrastruktur {f} [schweiz.]
ind. industrial infrastructureIndustrieinfrastruktur {f}
information infrastructureInformationsinfrastruktur {f}
infrastructure accessInfrastrukturzugang {m}
econ. infrastructure developmentInfrastrukturentwicklung {f}
infrastructure facilityInfrastruktureinrichtung {f}
comm. econ. infrastructure fundInfrastrukturfonds {m}
infrastructure initiativeInfrastrukturinitiative {f}
infrastructure installationInfrastruktureinrichtung {f}
fin. infrastructure investmentInfrastrukturinvestition {f}
comp. infrastructure management <IM>Infrastrukturmanagement {n} <IM>
econ. infrastructure measureInfrastrukturmaßnahme {f}
econ. pol. infrastructure packageInfrastrukturpaket {n}
infrastructure planningInfrastrukturplanung {f}
infrastructure policyInfrastrukturpolitik {f}
infrastructure program [Am.]Infrastrukturprogramm {n}
infrastructure programme [Br.]Infrastrukturprogramm {n}
infrastructure projectInfrastrukturprojekt {n}
infrastructure provisionErschließung {f}
econ. infrastructure requirementsInfrastrukturanforderungen {pl}
comp. infrastructure serviceInfrastrukturdienst {m}
infrastructure serviceInfrastrukturservice {m}
econ. pol. infrastructure spending {sg}Infrastrukturausgaben {pl}
infrastructure testInfrastrukturtest {m}
comp. infrastructure viewInfrastruktursicht {f}
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Q 2016-05-24: plan contract? compensation payment for infrastructure?
A 2015-06-01: Not sure. "utilities infrastructure" could mean the infrastructure of a co...
A 2015-06-01: ? media infrastructure
A 2015-05-17: infrastructure
A 2014-05-05: Uni Konstanz: Grundausstattung > Standard infrastructure and equipment
A 2012-07-01: Interoperability with the backend infrastructure must be guaranteed.
A 2012-01-22: netlike infrastructure / on-the-spot infrastructure
Q 2011-09-14: Third-world infrastructure?
A 2011-02-10: Erschließungskosten > development charges / costs, service infrastructure ...
Q 2010-11-21: EN: "Infrastructure Manager" -> DE: ?
Q 2010-10-26: Infrastructure, schools and hospitals have to be built, unemployment eradi...
A 2009-06-19: process infrastructure?
Q 2009-01-07: certain infrastructure sharing arrangements
A 2008-11-19: Wegekosten / Wegegeld > travelling expenses \ +infrastructure expenditure+...
A 2008-02-25: how about: "leads to a more costly infrastructure"
A 2008-02-25: how about: "leads to a more costly infrastructure"
A 2007-11-13: business-friendly infrastructure measures, infrastructure measures geared ...
A 2007-10-29: it is important to maintain a 19" infrastructure where possible
A 2007-09-10: ? In line with the building's technical infrastructure, a highly available...
A 2007-05-25: without tying up large amounts , renting/leasing ancillary infrastructure

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infrastructure measure
infrastructure package

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