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English-German translation for: integral
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Dictionary English German: integral

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ADJ   integral | more integral | most integral
NOUN   an integral | integrals
SYNO   entire | intact | integral | built-in ... 
ADJ  integral | - | - ... 
NOUN   das Integral | die Integrale
SYNO   basal | essentiell | essenziell ... 
integral {adj}
integral {adj}
math. integral {adj} [of or denoted by an integer]
integral {adj}
integral {adj} [entire, complete]
integral {adj}
integral {adj}(fest) eingebaut
math. integral
Integral {n}
2 Words: Others
tech. forged integral {adj}angeschmiedet
2 Words: Nouns
math. Bochner integral [also: Bochner's integral]Bochner-Integral {n}
math. boundary integralRandintegral {n}
electr. math. RadioTV column integralSpaltenintegral {n}
math. contour integralKonturintegral {n}
math. convolution integralFaltungsintegral {n}
math. curve integralKurvenintegral {n}
math. curvilinear integralKurvenintegral {n}
math. definite integralbestimmtes Integral {n}
definite integraldefinites Integral {n}
math. double integralDoppelintegral {n}
math. Faltung integral [rare]Faltungsintegral {n}
math. Fresnel integralFresnel-Integral {n}
math. phys. functional integralFunktionalintegral {n} [auch: Pfadintegral]
math. improper integraluneigentliches Integral {n}
math. indefinite integralallgemeine Stammfunktion {f}
math. indefinite integralunbestimmtes Integral {n}
math. integral calculusIntegralrechnung {f}
integral calculusesIntegralrechnungen {pl}
math. integral closureganze Abschließung {f}
integral componentwesentliche Komponente {f}
integral componentwesentlicher Bestandteil {m}
integral componentswesentliche Bestandteile {pl}
math. integral curveIntegralkurve {f}
math. integral domainIntegritätsbereich {m}
math. integral domainIntegritätsring {m}
phys. integral doseIntegraldosis {f}
integral equationIntegralgleichung {f}
automot. integral gearLenkgetriebe {n}
integral helmetIntegralhelm {m}
math. integral kernelIntegralkern {m}
math. integral numbersganze Zahlen {pl}
integral partErgänzungsteil {n}
math. integral partganzzahliger Anteil {m}
integral partintegraler Bestandteil {m}
integral partwesentlicher Bestandteil {m}
comp. integral promotionintegrale Promotion {f}
math. integral sign <∫>Integralzeichen {n} <∫>
integral systemGesamtsystem {n}
math. integral transformIntegraltransformation {f}
integral valueIntegralwert {m}
comp. math. integral valueganzzahliger Wert {m}
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A 2016-11-22: What about +loop making?+ Making loops, after all, is an integral part of ...
A 2013-03-08: integral systemic
A 2010-06-25: integral wheel
A 2010-06-25: Integral Wheels
Q 2010-06-23: integral wheel
A 2009-09-29: forms an integral part of
A 2009-06-27: ? Consumption is an integral part of production.
A 2009-05-13: To me it seems that integral has "fest" included.
A 2009-05-13: ah, didnt think ab out integral...and notation is okay for schreibweise?(w...
A 2009-05-13: "integral field, notation standardised DDMMYYYY" maybe?
A 2009-03-19: essential / integral parts ?
A 2009-02-23: "integral helmet" geht "scheinbar" auch ;)
A 2009-01-28: This is bred by the conviction that human beings seek integral involvement...
A 2008-10-15: will be seen as an accepted / integral part of Cologne
A 2008-07-23: the enclosure/annex which is an integral part of this certificate, shows
Q 2008-04-13: Integral Features
A 2007-11-20: ? integral bag key-holder
A 2007-09-18: nope...its not additional info, but integral part
A 2007-09-18: no there isnt, its not an additional phrase, but an integral part of the s...
A 2005-08-14: ? integral balancing with the investor

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