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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: it's
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Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: it's

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Finito! [coll.] [It's all done!]
it's [it has]es hat
it's [it is]es ist
It's ... [It costs ...]Es kostet ...
2 Wörter: Andere
It's bedtime!Zeit fürs Bett!
It's best ...Es ist das Beste, wenn ...
meteo. It's cloudy.Es ist bewölkt.
It's cold.Es ist kalt.
It's concerning.Es ist Besorgnis erregend.
It's courtesy ...Es gehört sich ...
It's dealable.Es kann gehandelt werden.
It's drafty. [Am.]Es zieht.
It's draughty. [Br.]Es zieht.
It's free. [as an answer to question]Macht nichts. [ugs.] [als Antwort auf Frage] [Kostet nichts.]
meteo. It's hailing.Es schloßt. [regional]
It's happening.Es ist soweit. [alt]
It's happening.Es ist so weit.
It's her.Sie ist es.
It's hereditary.Das ist Vererbung.
It's hilarious.Es ist zum Totlachen. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
It's impossible.Es geht nicht.
It's impossible.Es ist unmöglich.
It's like sth. [e.g.: a zoo here]Es geht zu wie bei / in etw.Dat.
It's me.Ich bin's.
It's mine.Es gehört mir.
It's obvious.Es springt ins Auge. [fig.]
It's OK.Ist ja gut. [ugs.]
It's OK.Schon in Ordnung.
It's okay.Schon gut.
It's on!Los geht's!
It's over.Die Klappe fällt. [Es ist Schluss.]
It's over.Es ist vorbei.
It's pathetic!Es ist zum Heulen! [ugs.]
It's pathetic!Es ist zum Weinen!
It's pointless.Das bringt nichts. [ugs.]
meteo. It's pouring.Es plästert. [regional]
meteo. It's raining.Es regnet.
comm. It's retailable.Es lässt sich im Einzelhandel vertreiben.
It's showtime! [coll.]Es ist Showtime! [ugs.]
meteo. It's snowing.Es schneit.
idiom meteo. It's spotting. [esp. Br.] [coll.] [it's raining slightly]Es tröpfelt.
It's starting.Es geht los.
It's storming.Es gewittert.
meteo. It's sunny.Es ist sonnig.
It's taken! [i.e. chair]Der ist besetzt! [z. B. Stuhl]
gastr. idiom It's tapped!O'zapft is! [bayer.]
It's theirs.Es gehört ihnen.
It's thundering.Es gewittert.
It's time.Es ist Zeit. [mahnend]
It's time.Zeit ist's / ists.
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Suchzeit: 0.423 Sek.

A 2024-04-18: I do. But in this case, there's no real evidence that it's purely American...
A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th...
F 2024-04-16: It's yours for the asking.
A 2024-01-05: Two typos: it's "none of my business"; it's not slang.
A 2023-12-17: It's not "anheuren", but "anheuern".
A 2023-10-20: @MichaelK: it's not a myth. I recently watched a couple of episodes of "Sh...
A 2023-09-19: It's about marketing only.
A 2023-09-05: It's an activity
A 2023-08-06: It's not a general rule. Hence we should leave the choice to the contributor
F 2023-07-01: "It's always been this way."
A 2023-07-01: it's an expression of mild surprise: "you wouldn't have thought so but he ...
A 2023-04-29: Think you misread one of the entries, it's sich eine Muskelzerrung zuziehen
A 2023-04-25: Maybe the sources aren't great, but it's a correct translation.
A 2023-04-20: It's just a rare synonym of vassalage.
A 2023-04-11: It's really not a "rhetorische Verkürzung," it's just a normal thing to sa...
A 2023-04-01: I think it's always used in plural: die SchrankeN finden.
A 2023-03-29: It's possible.
A 2023-03-28: Nonetheless, it's not really germane to the discussion. These terms are ob...
A 2023-03-28: Yep, it's perfectly possible. Just give it a try.
A 2023-03-23: Tabulos isn't negative I don't think, it's just a little more limited.

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