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English-German translation for: laser
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Dictionary English German: laser

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NOUN   a laser | lasers
SYNO   laser | optical maser
NOUN   der Laser | die Laser
SYNO   Laser | Laserlicht | Laserstrahl ... 
laser {adj} [attr.]
med. MedTech. tech. to laser sth. [to treat with a laser]
etw. lasern
phys. laser [light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation]
Laser {m} [Lichtverstärkung durch stimulierte Emission von Strahlung]
phys. laser [light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation]Laserlicht {n}
2 Words: Others
tech. laser optic {adj}laseroptisch
tech. laser optical {adj}laseroptisch
laser-assisted {adj}laserunterstützt
spec. laser-based {adj}laserbasiert
laser-engraved {adj}lasergraviert
phys. tech. laser-guided {adj}lasergesteuert
laser-induced {adj}laserinduziert
tech. laser-supported {adj}lasergestützt
med. laser-surgical {adj}laserchirurgisch
tech. laser-welded {adj}laserstrahlgeschweißt
2 Words: Verbs
Unverified laser-focused [coll.] [highly concentrated on sth.]hochkonzentriert [sehr konzentriert auf etw.]
2 Words: Nouns
phys. atom laserAtomlaser {m}
electr. MedTech. diode laserDiodenlaser {m}
tech. disc laserScheibenlaser {m}
tech. dye laserFarbstofflaser {m}
MedTech. excimer laserExcimer-Laser {m}
tech. fiber laser [Am.]Faserlaser {m}
tech. fibre laser [Br.]Faserlaser {m}
tech. gas laserGaslaser {m}
tech. hybrid laserHybrid-Laser {m}
electr. tech. impulse laserImpulslaser {m}
material phys. laser ablationLaserabtrag {m}
MedTech. laser aimer [on image intensifier side]Laserlichtvisier {n} [häufig verwendet für Laserzielgerät] [bildverstärkerseitig]
MedTech. laser aimer [on image intensifier side]Laserzielgerät {n} [bildverstärkerseitig]
astronau geol. laser altimeterLaseraltimeter {n}
aviat. laser altimeterLaserhöhenmesser {m}
phys. tech. laser beamLaserstrahl {m}
tech. laser boresightLaser-Schussprüfer {m}
tech. laser boresighterLaser-Schussprüfer {m}
tech. laser cameraLaserkamera {f}
electr. optics laser cardLaserkarte {f}
electr. optics laser card [optical memory card]Lasercard {f} [optische Speicherkarte, Laserkarte]
MedTech. laser catheterLaserkatheter {m}
med. laser coagulationLaserkoagulation {f}
laser coatingLaserbeschichten {n}
phys. laser coolingLaserkühlung {f}
tech. laser cuttingLaserschneiden {n}
laser cuttingLaserstrahlschneiden {n}
mil. laser designatorLasermarkierer {m}
chem. laser diffractionLaserbeugung {f} [Technologie zur Partikelbestimmung]
tech. laser diodeDiodenlaser {m}
electr. laser diode <LD>Halbleiterlaser {m}
electr. laser diode <LD>Laserdiode {f} <LD>
laser discLaserdisc {f}
laser discLaserdisk {f}
comp. laser diskLaserplatte {f}
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Q 2020-12-03: Wirtskristall (beim Laser)
A 2016-08-08: near-infrared laser
Q 2016-08-08: A near-infrared laser penetrates the superficial skin
A 2014-12-11: Laser (Im-)Puls (?)
Q 2014-12-11: Laser peak ist eine Laserspitze?
A 2014-10-15: it's also the sound of laser-canons
A 2013-07-11: No article - the father has had eye laser treatment...
A 2012-12-16: Eine feste Oberfläche wird bestrahlt, indem ein gepulster Laser sie abtast...
Q 2012-12-16: sweeping a pulsed laser
A 2012-03-13: Laser strength and intensity - plural?
A 2012-03-13: It is "the laser beam" (that is directed at a mirror and then strikes a de...
A 2012-03-13: a laser beam is detected by a sensor
Q 2012-03-13: Style: "the laser beam is detected by a detector"
A 2012-03-11: Vielleicht +Schieber-Laser+
Q 2012-03-11: Übersetzung von Patenttiteln (Abgabe Montag 9 Uhr): "Laser-in-slider light...
Q 2011-10-10: a blackened tip that extends 3 - 4 mm up the fiber shaft... (dental laser)
Q 2011-10-08: Sharps Disposal and Sponge Removal (dental practice, laser)
Q 2011-10-08: Never point the laser tip directly at the face
A 2010-07-02: "respond" is far too technical - unless this is a laser-guided FR
A 2010-01-14: The impact spot is code-transmitted by the laser beam to the to the detect...

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