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Dictionary English German: legislation

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NOUN   legislation | -
SYNO   lawmaking | legislating | legislation ... 
SYNO   Gesetzgebung | Legislation ... 
law pol. legislation
Gesetzgebung {f}
law legislation {sg} [laws]
Gesetze {pl}
law legislation {sg}
Rechtsvorschriften {pl}
law legislation
Recht {n} [Gesamtheit der erlassenen Gesetze]
law legislation [law-making]
Legislatur {f}
law legislation [sum of all legal norms]
Rechtsordnung {f} [Gesamtheit aller Rechtsnormen]
law pol. legislation [a proposed or enacted law]
Gesetz {n} [vorgeschlagene oder vom Staat erlassene, rechtlich verbindliche Vorschrift]
law legislation [law-making]
Legislation {f}
law legislation
Rechtsetzung {f}
law legislation
Legiferierung {f} [bes. schweiz.] [Gesetzgebung]
2 Words: Verbs
pol. to pass legislation [Br.]Gesetze verabschieden
2 Words: Nouns
accounting legislationBilanzierungsgesetzgebung {f}
additional legislationZusatzregelung {f}
law agrarian legislationAgrargesetzgebung {f}
antitrust legislation [Am.]Kartellrecht {n}
hist. law pol. apartheid legislationApartheidsgesetzgebung {f}
hist. law pol. apartheid legislationApartheid-Gesetzgebung {f} [auch: Apartheidgesetzgebung]
archi. constr. law building legislationBaugesetzgebung {f}
EU law Community legislationGemeinschaftsrecht {n}
law pol. concurrent legislationkonkurrierende Gesetzgebung {f}
law current legislationaktuelle Gesetzgebung {f}
fin. law customs legislationZollrecht {n}
dairy legislationMilchrecht {n}
law different legislation {sg} [between nations, states]unterschiedliche Gesetzgebungen {pl} [zwischen Staaten, Ländern]
law different legislation {sg} [between nations, states]unterschiedliche Rechtsvorschriften {pl} [zwischen Staaten, Ländern]
law pol. draft legislationGesetzentwurf {m}
econ. law economic legislationWirtschaftsgesetzgebung {f}
educ. law educational legislationSchulgesetzgebung {f}
emergency legislationNotgesetzgebung {f}
emergency legislationNotstandsgesetzgebung {f}
ecol. law emission legislationAbgasgesetzgebung {f}
ecol. law tech. emission legislationEmissionsgesetzgebung {f}
automot. ecol. law emissions legislationAbgasgesetzgebung {f}
ecol. law tech. emissions legislationEmissionsgesetzgebung {f}
employment legislationArbeitsgesetzgebung {f}
ecol. law environmental legislation {sg}Umweltschutzvorschriften {pl}
law pol. exclusive legislationausschließliche Gesetzgebung {f}
law forestry legislationForstgesetzgebung {f}
law framework legislationRahmengesetzgebung {f}
health legislationGesundheitsrecht {n}
EU law horizontal legislation {sg} [concerning product safety, waste management, etc.]horizontale Rechtsvorschriften {pl} [für Produktsicherheit, Abfallwirtschaft etc.]
law immigration legislationEinwanderungsgesetzgebung {f}
law immigration legislationZuwanderungsgesetzgebung {f}
law stocks insider legislationInsiderrecht {n}
law insurance legislationVersicherungsgesetzgebung {f}
law Internet legislationInternetrecht {n}
labor legislation [Am.]Arbeitsgesetzgebung {f}
labour legislation [Br.]Arbeitsgesetzgebung {f}
law labour legislation [Br.]Arbeitsrecht {n}
legislation amendmentGesetzesänderung {f}
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A 2021-02-15: Paraphrasing MichaelK's interpretation with reference to my earlier sugges...
A 2018-11-18: Romy: Und wenn Du anstelle von Legislation einfach nur Act schreibst wie im
A 2017-05-31: It's dicey stuff. In such matters, 1:1 equivalents may not even exist, wha...
A 2016-02-19: vielleicht: The guiding principles of the new legislation on X were incorp...
A 2016-02-19: den Satz umdrehen: Act Y was modelled after the new legislation on X
A 2015-10-02: google: "presently valid legislation"
A 2015-02-25: Note of caution - +government+ stands for the federal or state executive b...
A 2014-12-18: Governments may draft legislation, but parliaments are the lawmakers.
A 2014-12-08: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Grundsatzreferat legislation / law / (justice)
A 2012-03-13: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/legislation?q=legislation
Q 2012-03-13: Is "legislation" countable or uncountable?
Q 2012-02-03: “chapter“ in UK legislation
Q 2011-11-17: Seen this? How would such legislation affect dict.cc?
A 2011-05-28: geltende Gesetze - applicable law(s) / legislation
Q 2011-03-05: "piece of" legislation
A 2011-02-12: From a planner's point of view, +Anliegerleistungen+ are +development char...
Q 2010-10-11: comprehensive legislation to address
Q 2009-08-20: which gave deputies a pivotal role in European Union legislation under the...
A 2009-05-23: sometimes, 'clashing legislation.'
A 2009-05-23: context ? > competitive legislation

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