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English-German translation for: ligament
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Dictionary English German: ligament

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NOUN   a ligament | ligaments
NOUN   das Ligament | die Ligamente
anat. VetMed. ligament
Band {n}
anat. VetMed. ligament
Gelenkband {n} [Ligament]
anat. VetMed. ligament [Ligamentum]
Ligament {n}
tech. ligament [between tube holes]Steg {m} [zwischen Lochungen]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. acromioclavicular ligament [Ligamentum acromioclaviculare]Akromioklavikularband {n}
anat. acromioclavicular ligament [Ligamentum acromioclaviculare]akromioklavikulares Ligament {n}
anat. alar ligament [Ligamentum alare]Flügelband {n}
anat. annular ligament [Ligamentum anulare]Ringband {n}
anat. collateral ligamentSeitenband {n}
anat. coracoacromial ligament [Ligamentum coracoacromiale]Schulterdachband {n}
anat. coracoclavicular ligament [Ligamentum coracoclaviculare]korakoklavikulares Ligament {n}
anat. coracohumeral ligament [Ligamentum coracohumerale]Verstärkungsband {n} der Schultergelenkkapsel
anat. coronary ligament [Ligamentum coronarium]Kronenband {n}
anat. cruciate ligamentKreuzband {n}
anat. Fillmore's ligament [rare for: ligament of the femoral head] [Ligamentum capitis femoris, Ligamentum teres femoris]Hüftkopfband {n}
anat. biol. glenoid ligament [Labrum glenoidale]Pfannenlippe {f} [Schulterblatt]
anat. hepatoduodenal ligament <HDL> [Ligamentum hepatoduodenale]Ligamentum hepatoduodenale {n}
anat. iliofemoral ligament [Ligamentum iliofemorale]Darmbeinschenkelband {n}
anat. iliolumbar ligament [Ligamentum iliolumbale]Darmbein-Lendenband {n}
VetMed. impar ligamentStrahlbeinband {n}
anat. biol. infundibulopelvic ligament <IP, IP ligament> [Ligamentum infundibulopelvicum, Ligamentum suspensorium ovarii] [suspensory ligament of (the) ovary]Ligamentum suspensorium ovarii {n}
anat. inguinal ligament [Ligamentum inguinale]Inguinalband {n}
anat. inguinal ligament [Ligamentum inguinale]Leistenband {n}
anat. interclavicular ligament [Ligamentum interclaviculare]Zwischenschlüsselbeinband {n}
anat. interspinal ligament [Ligamentum interspinale]Zwischendornfortsatzband {n}
anat. intraarticular ligamentInnenband {n}
anat. lacunar ligament [Ligamentum lacunare]Pfortenband {n}
anat. biol. lateral ligament [Ligamentum laterale]Seitenband {n}
biol. ligament cellLigamentzelle {f}
engin. ligament efficiency [of tube holes]Verschwächungsbeiwert {m} [bei Lochungen]
med. ligament injuryBänderverletzung {f}
med. ligament insufficiencyBandinsuffizienz {f}
anat. ligament lengthLigamentlänge {f}
med. ligament lesionBandläsion {f}
med. ligament ruptureBänderriss {m}
med. VetMed. ligament ruptureBänderruptur {f}
med. ligament ruptureBandruptur {f}
med. ligament strainBänderzerrung {f}
med. ligament tearBandruptur {f}
anat. zool. nuchal ligament [Ligamentum nuchae]Nackenband {n}
anat. ovarian ligament [Ligamentum ovarii proprium]Eierstockband {n}
anat. palpebral ligament [Ligamentum palpebrale]Lidband {n}
anat. palpebral ligament [Ligamentum palpebrale]Lidbändchen {n}
anat. biol. patellar ligament [Ligamentum patellae]Kniescheibenband {n}
anat. biol. patellar ligament [Ligamentum patellae]Kniescheibensehne {f}
anat. biol. patellar ligament [Ligamentum patellae]Patellarsehne {f} [Kniescheibenband]
anat. pectineal ligament [Ligamentum pectineum]Cooper-Ligament {n}
dent. periodontal ligamentDesmodontalspalt {m}
dent. periodontal ligament [tooth]Wurzelhaut {f} [Zahn]
dent. periodontal ligament <PDL>Desmodont {n}
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A 2009-12-06: Definition of [Tube] Ligament
A 2009-12-06: tube ligament
Q 2009-12-06: tube ligament
A 2007-10-19: medial collateral ligament / MCL rupture
A 2007-10-19: Lateral Ligament ?
A 2005-05-30: ligament
Q 2005-05-30: long dorsal sacroiliac ligament
Q 2005-02-28: long dorsal sacroiliac ligament

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