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English-German translation for: lily-of-the-valley
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Dictionary English German: lily of the valley

Translation 1 - 50 of 94350  >>


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NOUN1   a lily of the valley | lilies of the valley
NOUN2   a lily-of-the-valley | lilies-of-the-valley
SYNO   Convallaria majalis | May lily ... 
Keywords contained
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
lily-of-the-valley tree [Clethra arborea] [also: lily of the valley tree]Madeira-Zimterle {f}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
Partial Matches
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
(Gewöhnliche) Calla {f} [Rsv.: (Gewöhnliche) Kalla]
out of the valley {adv}talaus
out of the valley {adv}talauswärts
geol. bed of the valleyTalsohle {f}
bottom of the valleyGrund {m} des Tales / Tals
geogr. bottom of the valleyTalboden {m} [Sohle des Tales]
geogr. bottom of the valleyTalgrund {m} [Sohle des Tales]
geogr. bottom of the valleyTalsohle {f} [Sohle des Tales]
edge of the valleyTalrand {m}
geogr. end of the valleyTalende {n}
geogr. head of the valleyTalschluss {m}
geogr. part of the valleyTalabschnitt {m}
side of the valleyTalseite {f}
sole of the valleyTalsohle {f} [Sohle des Tals]
geogr. valley of the AnieneAnienetal {n}
geogr. valley of the InnInntal {n}
archaeo. geogr. hist. Valley of the KingsTal {n} der Könige
archaeo. geogr. hist. Valley of the QueensTal {n} der Königinnen
view of the valleyBlick {m} auf das Tal
up out of the valley {adv}aus dem Tal hinauf
narrow section of the valleyTalenge {f} [enger Abschnitt des Tales]
precipices of the Danube valleySteilhänge {pl} des Donautals
bouquet of lilies of the valleyMaiglöckchenstrauß {m}
bunch of lilies of the valleyMaiglöckchenstrauß {m}
fragrance of lilies of the valleyMaiglöckchenduft {m}
scent of lilies of the valleyMaiglöckchenduft {m}
film F The Valley of Decision [Tay Garnett]Die Entscheidung [auch: Das Tal der Entscheidung] [Film von 1945]
on the other side of the valley {adv}jenseits des Tales / Tals
film F In the Valley of Elah [Paul Haggis]Im Tal von Elah
lit. F The Valley of Fear [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Tal der Angst
film F The Valley of Gwangi [Jim O'Connolly]Gwangis Rache
film F Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens [Russ Meyer]Im tiefen Tal der Superhexen
film lit. F Valley of the Dolls [novel: Jacqueline Susann, film: Mark Robson]Das Tal der Puppen
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