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English-German translation for: lined
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Dictionary English German: lined

Translation 1 - 50 of 249  >>

English German
ADJ   lined | more lined | most lined
VERB  to line | lined | lined ... 
SYNO   lined | seamed
lined {adj}
cloth. lined {adj} {past-p}
ind. lined {adj} {past-p}
lined {adj} [paper]
lined {adj} [old people]
textil. lined {adj} {past-p}
tech. lined {adj}
lined {adj} {past-p} [through worry, tiredness etc.]
gezeichnet [Gesicht]
lined {adj} [paper]liniiert
lined {adj} [wrinkled]runzlig
2 Words: Others
(heavily) lined {adj} [face]faltenreich [Gesicht]
cloth. beaver-lined {adj} {past-p}mit Biberpelz gefüttert [Mantel, Jacke]
cloth. cotton-lined {adj}mit Baumwolle gefüttert
cloth. fur-lined {adj}pelzgefüttert
cloth. fur-lined {adj}mit Pelz gefüttert
tech. lead-lined {adj}mit Bleieinlage [nachgestellt]
lined up {adv} [in a row]in einer Reihe
archi. constr. marble-lined {adj}mit Marmor verkleidet
palm-lined {adj}palmengesäumt
palm-lined {adj}von Palmen gesäumt
palm-lined {adj}mit / von Palmen umsäumt
cloth. plush-lined {adj} [also: plush lined]plüschgefüttert
poplar-lined {adj}pappelgesäumt
refractory-lined {adj}feuerfest ausgekleidet [z. B. Ofen]
archaeo. archi. slab-lined {adj}mit Steinplatten versehen
straight-lined {adj}geradlinig
taffeta-lined {adj} [attr.]taftgefüttert
three-lined {adj}dreistreifig
tree-lined {adj}baumbestanden
tree-lined {adj}von Bäumen gesäumt
tree-lined {adj}von Bäumen umsäumt
velvet-lined {adj}samtausgeschlagen
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. lined dressgefüttertes Kleid {n}
3 Words: Others
lined with stress {adj} [postpos.] [face]von Stress gezeichnet [Gesicht]
3 Words: Verbs
to be lined with [trees]gesäumt sein von [Bäumen]
cloth. to be lined with sth.mit etw.Dat. gefüttert sein
3 Words: Nouns
beech-lined roadBuchenallee {f}
beech-lined roadvon Buchen gesäumte Straße {f}
chestnut-lined avenueKastanienallee {f}
geogr. cliff-lined bayFelsenbucht {f}
cloth. cotton lined crotchBaumwolleinlage {f} im Schritt
deeply lined foreheadzerfurchte Stirn {f}
cloth. down-lined jacket [down jacket]daunengefütterte Jacke {f}
lit. four lined stanzaVierzeiler {m}
lit. four lined stanzasVierzeiler {pl}
cloth. fur-lined vest [Am.]Fellweste {f} [Weste mit Fellfutter]
constr. nucl. Unverified lead-lined doorStrahlenschutztür {f}
constr. nucl. Unverified lead-lined plasterboardbleikaschierte Gipskartonplatte {f}
oak-lined avenueEichenallee {f}
travel TrVocab. palm-lined beachPalmenstrand {m}
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A 2023-01-05: Was jedes Kind an Schulheften kennt: liniertes und kariertes Papier > < ex...
Q 2022-01-07: kaschiert: sind "lined" und "laminated" Synonyme?
Q 2017-06-17: lined vs. overlaid
A 2017-04-17: +Ziegelgwölbe > brick vault+ AS DISTINGUISHED FROM *brick-lined vault*
A 2017-04-16: Please use the dictionary! http://www.dict.cc/?s=brick+lined
Q 2017-04-16: brick-lined
Q 2016-04-16: Fellweste = fur-lined vest ??
A 2014-06-22: The stars are lined up perfectly
Q 2014-06-21: The stars are lined up perfectly
A 2013-08-08: "Ladenzeile" for "strip mall" sounds good to me. Small, with all the store...
Q 2012-04-05: to be lined up, to be in sync
A 2011-04-01: The term "battery" is misleading. I'd use "line" if the guns are lined up ...
A 2010-11-27: lined here: ausgelegt, ausgekleidet
A 2009-07-01: ...lined with...
A 2009-02-16: A +terraced street+ is a street lined with +terraced houses+
A 2007-12-02: The shrubs and dwarf trees in the stone-lined garden beds give off the swe...
A 2007-11-20: oder: The box is foam-lined
A 2007-11-20: Lined with foam (material).
A 2007-11-20: lined
A 2007-09-24: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22fur-lined...

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