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Dictionary English German: literature

Translation 1 - 50 of 245  >>

English German
NOUN1   a literature [(regional) kind] | literatures
NOUN2   literature [in general] | -
SYNO   lit | literature
lit. literature
Literatur {f}
lit. literature [esp. poetry, epic poems]
Dichtung {f}
acad. lit. literature
Fachliteratur {f}
acad. lit. literature
Schrifttum {n}
lit. literature [of a culture, a people etc.]Schriftgut {n} [fachspr.] [schriftliche Zeugnisse, Dichtung]
2 Words: Nouns
lit. adult literatureErwachsenenliteratur {f}
market. advertising literatureWerbeliteratur {f}
lit. advice literatureRatgeberliteratur {f}
lit. ancient literaturealte Literatur {f}
acad. hist. lit. anecdotal literatureAnekdotenliteratur {f}
hist. relig. apocalyptic literatureApokalyptik {f}
lit. art literatureKunstliteratur {f}
lit. authorial literatureAutorenliteratur {f}
mus. bassoon literatureFagottliteratur {f}
hist. lit. calendar literatureKalenderliteratur {f}
mus. cello literatureCelloliteratur {f}
lit. cheap literatureTrivialliteratur {f}
lit. children's literatureKinderliteratur {f}
lit. Chinese literaturechinesische Literatur {f}
relig. church literatureKirchenliteratur {f}
mus. clarinet literatureKlarinettenliteratur {f}
lit. classic literatureklassische Literatur {f}
lit. classical literatureKlassik {f} [klassische Literatur]
hist. lit. classical literature [classical antiquity]antike Literatur {f}
lit. coffeehouse literatureKaffeehausliteratur {f}
hist. lit. colonial literatureKolonialliteratur {f}
lit. committed literatureengagierte Literatur {f}
lit. comparative literature <comp. lit.>vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft {f}
lit. confessional literatureBekenntnisliteratur {f}
lit. contemporary literatureGegenwartsliteratur {f}
hist. relig. controversial literatureKontroversliteratur {f}
lit. relig. controversial literature {sg}Streitschriften {pl}
lit. decadent literaturedekadente Literatur {f}
lit. descriptive literaturebeschreibende Literatur {f}
lit. relig. devotional literatureErbauungsliteratur {f}
ling. lit. dialect literatureDialektliteratur {f}
lit. dialect literatureMundartdichtung {f}
lit. relig. edificatory literatureErbauungsliteratur {f}
lit. relig. edifying literatureErbauungsliteratur {f}
educational literatureAufklärungsliteratur {f}
lit. English literatureenglischsprachige Literatur {f}
lit. epistolary literatureBriefliteratur {f}
lit. feminist literatureFrauenliteratur {f} [feministisch]
fin. financial literatureFinanzliteratur {f}
mus. flute literatureFlötenliteratur {f}
lit. folk literatureVolksdichtung {f}
lit. folk literatureVolksliteratur {f}
lit. folk literatureVolkspoesie {f}
lit. folly literatureNarrenliteratur {f}
lit. fool literatureNarrenliteratur {f}
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