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Dictionary English German: long

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ADJ   long | longer | longest
NOUN   a long | longs
VERB  to long | longed | longed ... 
long {adj} {adv}
long {adv}
long {adj}
long {adj}
long {adj}
long {adj}
long {adv}auf lange Frist
long {adj} [e.g. with long handle shovels or spades]mannslang [langer Stiel, z. B. an der Schaufel]
long {adv} [for a long time]lange Zeit
long {adv} [for a long time]seit langem
long {adv} [for a long time]seit Langem
to long sth. [obs.]
etw. verlängern [Reise etc.]
Kaufposition {f}
cloth. long [long size]Langgröße {f}
geogr. longitude <long.>geografische Länge {f}
2 Words: Others
(for) long {adv}auf die Länge [lange, für lang]
awfully long {adj} [coll.]entsetzlich lang [ugs.]
awfully long {adj} [coll.]furchtbar lang [ugs.]
awfully long {adj} [coll.]fürchterlich lang [ugs.]
awfully long {adj} [coll.]schrecklich lang [ugs.]
before long {adv}bald
before long {adv}bald darauf
before long {adv}in Bälde [bes. amtsspr.]
before long {adv}in Kürze [bald]
before long {adv}in kurzem
before long {adv}in Kurzem
before long {adv}binnen Kurzem / kurzem
centuries-long {adj}jahrhundertelang
century-long {adj}jahrhundertlang
century-long {adj}hundert Jahre während
chin-long {adj}kinnlang
day-long {adj}den ganzen Tag andauernd
decades-long {adj}jahrzehntelang
decades-long {adj} [attr.]Jahrzehnte dauernd [attr.]
ere long {adv} [archaic]bald
extra-long {adj}extralang
extra-long {adj}überlang
for long {adv}lange
hour-long {adj}einstündig
hours-long {adj}stundenlang
incredibly long {adj} [coll.]ellenlang [ugs.]
life-long {adj}lebenslang
life-long {adj}lebenslänglich
long ago {adv}einst [schon lange her]
long ago {adv}längst [vor langer Zeit]
long ago {adv}schon lange her
long ago {adv}vor alter Zeit
long ago {adv}vor langer Zeit
long before {adv}lange davor
long beforehand {adv}von langer Hand
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A 2024-06-28: How long?
Q 2024-05-26: "... three long streets that wound around and ...
A 2023-11-30: A precedent,long ago.
A 2023-10-19: You'll lose your bet. Proteus is a well-known and well-respected long time...
A 2023-05-19: A barge pole is about 10 foot long. “rule” not ruler
Q 2023-02-17: How long before practice makes perfect?
A 2023-01-27: I long for a blessed end
A 2023-01-12: "so" here is short for "just so", meaning "as long as"
A 2022-01-13: Literally +to be said to that [Long Covid]+ ... D and E may not be worlds ...
A 2022-01-13: zu = in respect of (Long Covid)
A 2021-06-21: Long time no see, Michael K. Good to hear from you again ;-)
A 2020-12-20: " ... to walk for long distances in rough country. Also tramp it. ... "
A 2020-05-23: agree with school weariness ( = tired ore bored because you have been doin...
A 2020-05-13: Diese Links finde ich unter dem dict-Eintrag: long-standing [with a long t...
A 2020-05-13: dict schlägt "with long-standing tradition" vor und
Q 2020-02-14: "Too long." - An acceptable reason for rejection?
A 2019-09-19: Schon gut! Ich ändere es in "Long-Read-Sequenzierung" um!
A 2019-09-19: ; ) Wissenschaftler namens Long (John) Read! Der ist gut!
A 2019-09-19: Scheint "Long-Read Sequenzierung" zu sein
Q 2019-09-19: Superdringend: long-read sequencing

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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