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English-German translation for: main
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Dictionary English German: main

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NOUN   a main | mains
SYNO   briny | main | independent | chief ... 
NOUN   der Main | -
main {adj} [attr.]
main {adj} [attr.]
main {adj} [attr.] [most important]
main {adj}
main {adj}
main {adj} [attr.] [prime]
primär [Haupt-]
drugs to main [Am.] [sl.]sich spritzen [Drogen]
electr. main
Leitung {f}
main [principle pipe; principle cable]
Hauptleitung {f} [für Strom, Wasser, Gas, etc.]
naut. main [archaic or literary]hohe See {f}
naut. main [archaic or literary]offenes Meer {n}
the main [literary] [the open ocean]das offene Meer {n}
2 Words: Others
mus. main droite {adv} <M.D., m.d.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]mit der rechten Hand
mus. main gauche {adv} <M.G., m.g.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]mit der linken Hand
geogr. ling. Main-Franconian {adj}mainfränkisch
2 Words: Nouns
hunting (main) beams [antler]Knochenstangen {pl} [Geweihstangen]
(main) body [main part, greatest part, e.g. of the citizens]Gros {n} [+ Gen.]
naut. (main) boom [of a sailing vessel]Großbaum {m} [eines Segelschiffes]
mil. (main) thrust [also fig.]Stoßrichtung {f} [auch fig.]
burst mainWasserrohrbruch {m} [auf der Straße]
collecting mainSammelleitung {f}
distributing mainSammelleitung {f}
electr. tech. electric mainelektrische Leitung {f}
fire mainFeuerlöschhauptleitung {f}
force mainDruckleitung {f}
constr. gas mainGasleitung {f}
gas mainHauptgasleitung {f}
geogr. Lower MainUntermain {m}
geogr. Main (River)Main {m}
ling. main accentHauptakzent {m}
main accessHauptzugang {m}
main accomplishmentHauptleistung {f}
main actionHaupthandlung {f}
main activityHauptaktivität {f}
main activityHaupttätigkeit {f}
main actorHauptakteur {m}
film theatre main actorHauptdarsteller {m}
main actor [female]Hauptakteurin {f}
film theatre main actor [female]Hauptdarstellerin {f}
film RadioTV theatre main actressHauptdarstellerin {f}
main advantageHauptvorteil {m}
main adversaryHauptgegner {m}
main aimHauptziel {n}
main aimHauptzweck {m}
aviat. main airportHauptflughafen {m}
archi. main aisleHauptschiff {n} [einer Kirche]
main alarmHauptalarm {m}
biochem. main alkaloidHauptalkaloid {n}
main allegationHauptvorwurf {m}
main allyHauptverbündeter {m}
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Q 2024-04-29: main office (school)
Q 2021-03-17: Searching - main word - groß and große
A 2018-05-13: main electricity substation / main electrical substation
A 2018-05-13: main substation
Q 2017-09-26: A small headline/heading above the main headline/heading of an article
A 2016-08-04: See #850744 in main thread.
Q 2016-05-20: Übersetzung einer "Überschrift" / Main Title
A 2016-02-29: Funny. Zeil am Main is really close to where I live...
A 2016-01-29: a main stretch of shops?
Q 2016-01-29: a main stretch of shops
A 2015-12-03: If must is in the main sentence, then you need +mustn't+ in the question tag.
A 2015-11-27: main authority / witness first hand ...
A 2015-10-22: means for synchronizing the operating main(s) ??
A 2015-07-02: ON is the main problem
A 2015-06-18: The 'main' sirens are still tested at noon every Saturday in Austria.
A 2015-04-23: 15:00 - NO inversion??? We need to distinguish between main and relative c...
A 2015-03-03: So it is: Main clause +it would be a pity+ - dependent clause (1) +if I go...
A 2014-12-15: In most cases a simple +is+ is best - the shop is near the main station.
A 2014-10-21: Aufgabenschwerpunkt = main task
A 2014-08-26: The +Bauchetiketten+ in dhk's links look more like the 'main' labels in th...

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